Continuous Integration (CircleCI)
What is continuous integration?
Continuous integration (CI) is a software development strategy that increases the speed of development while ensuring the quality of the code that teams deploy. Developers continually commit code in small increments (at least daily, or even several times a day), which is then automatically built and tested before it is merged with the shared repository.
Source: CircleCI documentation
Our CircleCI configuration resides in .circleci/config.yml. It contains all the jobs listed below. See Configuring CircleCI for a full reference.
Workflow develop
This workflow gets triggered everytime a commit is pushed to the develop
branch or a PR is opened.

This job executes pip install -e .[dev-pinned,pinned]
and makes use of the CircleCI Dependency Cache.
It passes the virtual environment .venv
to the subsequent jobs.
This job executes npm ci
and makes use of the CircleCI Dependency Cache.
After that, it compiles all static files with webpack (npm run prod
) and passes the output in
to the subsequent jobs.
This job checks whether there are any changes to the models that need a database migration
This job sets up the test coverage reporter for CodeClimate.
This job runs the tests in 16 parallel containers. It sets up a temporary postgres database and runs the migrations
before testing. It runs pytest and passes the coverage in the test-results
directory to the build artifacts.
This job joins all separate coverage data files generated from the previous steps and uploads it to CodeClimate.
This job uses the dev-tool ./tools/
to check whether the translation file is up to date and
does not contain any empty or fuzzy entries.
This job compiles the translation file and passes the resulting
to the packaging job.
This job modifies the bumpver
config to make sure the changes are only temporary and not committed, then it bumps
the version to the next alpha version which is not yet published on
This is only executed on develop (usually after PRs have been merged) or on branches that end with -publish-dev-package
This job creates a python package and passes the resulting files in dist
to the publish-package job.
See Packaging for more information.
This job publishes the built package to TestPyPI via Twine.
This is only executed on develop (usually after PRs have been merged) or on branches that end with -publish-dev-package
This job checks whether the documentation can be generated without any errors by running
It passes the html documentation in docs
to the deploy-documentation job.
This job authenticates as the user DigitalfabrikMember and commits all changes to the
documentation to the branch gh-pages
which is then deployed to
by GitHub.
This job makes use of the ShellCheck CircleCI Orb and
executes the pre-defined job shellcheck/check
. It is configured to check the directory tools
and to allow external sources because all dev tools source one common function script. Also see Shellcheck.
Workflow main
This workflow gets executed when a commit is pushed to the main
branch. Typically, this is a release PR from develop
See pip-install.
This job authenticates as the deliverino app and runs bumpver update
to bump the version and commit the
changes to the main branch. Additionally, it merges the version bump commit into the develop
Workflow deploy
This workflow gets executed when a commit is tagged.
See pip-install.
See webpack.
See compile-translations.
See build-package.
See publish-package. The only difference is that PyPI is used as repository instead of TestPyPI.
This job authenticates as Deliverino app and creates a GitHub release with .circleci/scripts/
This job sends a release notification to Mattermost into the integreat-releases
channel. It needs the Mattermost
webhook which is injected via the mattermost
Debugging with SSH
If you encounter any build failures which you cannot reproduce on your local machine, you can SSH into the build server and examine the problem. See Debugging with SSH for more information.