
This package contains tests for the integreat_cms.cms.utils package.

Test Cancel Translation

Test Content Utils

Test Disable Hix Post Save Signal

tests.cms.utils.test_disable_hix_post_save_signal.dummy_region(django_db_setup: None, django_db_blocker: _DatabaseBlocker) Region[source]

Fixture to create a dummy region, along with a dummy language.

  • django_db_setup (None)

  • django_db_blocker (_DatabaseBlocker)

Return type:


Test External Calendar Utils

tests.cms.utils.test_external_calendar_utils.test_import_fails(calendar_data: tuple[str, str]) None[source]

Tests that invalid calendars cannot be imported and that the import fails with the correct error message :param calendar_data: A tuple of calendar path and expected error message


calendar_data (tuple[str, str])

Return type:


Test Repair Tree

Test repair tree util

Test execution order: Since there seem to be some weird side effects happening for unrelated tests when testing database consistency, we first run those, then the tests that make sure the repair_tree() is effective, and last the effectiveness of tree_mutex() itself. This ordering is facilitated using pytest_order to specify the tests to run "last" (eqivalent to -1, absolute ordering) and after certain other tests (relative ordering).

See https://pytest-order.readthedocs.io/en/stable/usage.html#order-relative-to-other-tests

tests.cms.utils.test_repair_tree.test_repair_tree(load_test_data_transactional: None) None[source]

Create a broken tree of 3 nodes and assert that repair_tree() correctly fixes it.


load_test_data_transactional (None)

Return type:


tests.cms.utils.test_repair_tree.test_repair_tree_complex(load_test_data_transactional: None) None[source]

Recreate a real-world example of a broken tree and assert that repair_tree() correctly fixes it.


load_test_data_transactional (None)

Return type:


Test Rounded Hix Value

tests.cms.utils.test_rounded_hix_value.test_rounded_hix_value(raw_hix_expected_rounding: tuple[float, float]) None[source]

Test to check HIX scores are rounded correctly


raw_hix_expected_rounding (tuple[float, float])

Return type:


Test Slug Utils

tests.cms.utils.test_slug_utils.test_generate_unique_slug_fallback(settings: SettingsWrapper, load_test_data: None) None[source]

Test whether the generate_unique_slug_helper() function correctly uses the fallback property when no slug is provided

  • settings (SettingsWrapper)

  • load_test_data (None)

Return type:


tests.cms.utils.test_slug_utils.test_generate_unique_slug_no_fallback() None[source]

Test whether the generate_unique_slug_helper() throws a django.core.exceptions.ValidationError, while the fallback property does not exist

Return type:


tests.cms.utils.test_slug_utils.test_generate_unique_slug_reserved_page_slug(settings: SettingsWrapper, load_test_data: None) None[source]

Test whether the generate_unique_slug_helper() function function returns the correct unique slug when the new page slug is a reserved slug

  • settings (SettingsWrapper)

  • load_test_data (None)

Return type:


tests.cms.utils.test_slug_utils.test_generate_unique_slug_reserved_region_slug(settings: SettingsWrapper, load_test_data: None) None[source]

Test whether the generate_unique_slug_helper() function returns the correct unique slug when the new region slug is a reserved slug

  • settings (SettingsWrapper)

  • load_test_data (None)

Return type:


Test Translation Utils

tests.cms.utils.test_translation_utils.test_translate_link() None[source]

Test whether the translate_link() function correctly escapes message text while preserving the link tags

Return type:


Test Tree Mutex

Test tree mutex for page tree

Test execution order: Since there seem to be some weird side effects happening for unrelated tests when testing database consistency, we first run those, then the tests that make sure the repair_tree() is effective, and last the effectiveness of tree_mutex() itself. This ordering is facilitated using pytest_order to specify the tests to run "last" (eqivalent to -1, absolute ordering) and after certain other tests (relative ordering).

See https://pytest-order.readthedocs.io/en/stable/usage.html#order-relative-to-other-tests

tests.cms.utils.test_tree_mutex.back(contestant_id: int) None[source]

Gets the page with id contestant_id and the target page with id 20 and moves the contestant out as the right sibling of the target.


contestant_id (int)

Return type:


tests.cms.utils.test_tree_mutex.five_ten_five(contestant_id: int, use_mutex: bool, handle_exception: Callable | None = None) None[source]

Move a “contestant” page back and forth repeatedly. Exceptions are caught and handed to handle_exception, this is necessary to get them back out to the main thread. use_mutex dictates whether to use mforth()/mback() or forth()/back().

  • contestant_id (int)

  • use_mutex (bool)

  • handle_exception (Callable | None)

Return type:


tests.cms.utils.test_tree_mutex.forth(contestant_id: int) None[source]

Gets the page with id contestant_id and the target page with id 20 and moves the contestant in as the last child of the target.


contestant_id (int)

Return type:


tests.cms.utils.test_tree_mutex.mback(contestant_id: int) None[source]

Only calls back(), but decorated with tree_mutex().


contestant_id (int)

Return type:


tests.cms.utils.test_tree_mutex.mforth(contestant_id: int) None[source]

Only calls forth(), but decorated with tree_mutex().


contestant_id (int)

Return type:


tests.cms.utils.test_tree_mutex.run_mutex_test(use_mutex: bool) None[source]

Start two five_ten_five() tests in parallel, in separate threads. These each constantly move their “contestant” page back and forth. TreeBeard seems to quickly run into inconsistencies, as their code bypasses Djangos Object-Relationional Mapper (ORM), directly running raw SQL commands, without database transactions.


use_mutex (bool)

Return type:


tests.cms.utils.test_tree_mutex.test_rule_out_false_positive(load_test_data_transactional: None) None[source]

Rule out that tree_mutex() is just doing nothing and test_tree_mutex() only succeeded because the system magically worked without it. Provoke and expect a variety of possible exceptions using run_mutex_test().

If this test fails with an exception not expected and you can prove that it is indicative of treebeard shooting itself in the foot, please add the exception as expected!


load_test_data_transactional (None)

Return type:


tests.cms.utils.test_tree_mutex.test_tree_mutex(load_test_data_transactional: None) None[source]

Check whether tree_mutex() is actually preventing collisions. See run_mutex_test() for details.


load_test_data_transactional (None)

Return type:
