Forms for creating and modifying user objects
Authentication Form
- class integreat_cms.cms.forms.users.authentication_form.AuthenticationForm(data=None, files=None, auto_id='id_%s', prefix=None, initial=None, error_class=<class 'django.forms.utils.ErrorList'>, label_suffix=None, empty_permitted=False, field_order=None, use_required_attribute=None, renderer=None)[source]
Form to check the password of an already authenticated user. Used for critical operations where a valid session might not be enough (e.g. modifying 2-FA options).
Form fields:
: Password (CharField
- property media[source]
Return all media required to render the widgets on this form.
Organization Field
- class integreat_cms.cms.forms.users.organization_field.OrganizationField(queryset, *, empty_label='---------', required=True, widget=None, label=None, initial=None, help_text='', to_field_name=None, limit_choices_to=None, blank=False, **kwargs)[source]
ModelChoiceField which puts the organization’s region id as data attribute on <options>
- label_from_instance(obj: Organization) dict[str, Any] [source]
Normally, this function convert objects into strings and generate the labels for the choices presented by this object.
In this case, we abuse the function also to pass the organization’s region id to the
function to enable it to use it as data attribute.- Parameters:
obj (Organization) – The name of the option
- Returns:
A dict of the real label and the organization’s region id
- Return type:
- widget[source]
The widget to use when rendering this type of Field.
alias of
- class integreat_cms.cms.forms.users.organization_field.OrganizationFieldWidget(attrs=None, choices=())[source]
Select widget which puts the organization’s region id as data attribute on <options>
- create_option(name: str, value: ModelChoiceIteratorValue | str, label: dict[str, Any] | str, selected: bool, index: int, subindex: Any | None = None, attrs: dict[str, str] | None = None) dict[str, Any] [source]
This function creates an option which can be selected in the organization field
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name of the option
value (ModelChoiceIteratorValue | str) – the value of the option (the page id)
label (dict[str, Any] | str) – The label (and optionally the region id) of the option
selected (bool) – Whether or not the option is selected
index (int) – The index of the option
subindex (Any | None) – The subindex of the option
attrs (dict[str, str] | None) – The attributes of the option
- Returns:
The option dict
- Return type:
Password Reset Form
- class integreat_cms.cms.forms.users.password_reset_form.CustomPasswordResetForm(data=None, files=None, auto_id='id_%s', prefix=None, initial=None, error_class=<class 'django.forms.utils.ErrorList'>, label_suffix=None, empty_permitted=False, field_order=None, use_required_attribute=None, renderer=None)[source]
A custom form to attach the logo to the password reset email
Form fields:
: Email (EmailField
- property media[source]
Return all media required to render the widgets on this form.
- send_mail(_subject_template_name: str, email_template_name: str, context: dict[str, Any], _from_email: Any | None, to_email: str, html_email_template_name: str) None [source]
Send a django.core.mail.EmailMultiAlternatives to to_email.
- Parameters:
_subject_template_name (str) – The template to be used to render the subject of the email
email_template_name (str) – The template to be used to render the text email
_from_email (Any | None) – The email address of the sender
to_email (str) – The email address of the recipient
html_email_template_name (str) – The template to be used to render the HTML email
- Return type:
Passwordless Authentication Form
- class integreat_cms.cms.forms.users.passwordless_authentication_form.PasswordlessAuthenticationForm(*args: Any, request: HttpRequest | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]
Form class for authenticating users without using passwords but other authentication methods like FIDO2.
Form fields:
: Username (UsernameField
- Parameters:
args (Any)
request (HttpRequest | None)
kwargs (Any)
- __init__(*args: Any, request: HttpRequest | None = None, **kwargs: Any) None [source]
Render passwordless authentication form for HTTP GET requests
- Parameters:
request (HttpRequest | None) – Object representing the user call
*args (Any) – The supplied arguments
**kwargs (Any) – The supplied keyword arguments
- Return type:
- clean_username() str [source]
Checks the input of the user to enable authentication
- Raises:
ValidationError – If the given username or email is invalid
- Returns:
The cleaned username
- Return type:
- error_messages = {'disabled': 'Your account is not activated for passwordless authentication. Please use the default login.', 'inactive': 'This account is inactive.', 'invalid_login': 'The username or email address is incorrect.', 'not_available': 'In order to use passwordless authentication, you have to configure at least one 2-factor authentication method.'}[source]
The different reasons why passwordless authentication might not be possible
- property media[source]
Return all media required to render the widgets on this form.
Region User Form
- class integreat_cms.cms.forms.users.region_user_form.RegionUserForm(region: Region, **kwargs: Any)[source]
Form for creating and modifying region user objects
Form fields:
: Username (CharField
: First name (CharField
: Last name (CharField
: Email address (EmailField
: Active (BooleanField
: Role (ModelChoiceField
: Send activation link (BooleanField
: Organization (ModelChoiceField
: Experienced user (BooleanField
: Team (ModelChoiceField
: Password (CharField
- Parameters:
region (Region)
kwargs (Any)
- __init__(region: Region, **kwargs: Any) None [source]
Initialize region user form
- Parameters:
region (Region) – The current region
**kwargs (Any) – The supplied keyword arguments
- Return type:
- property media[source]
Return all media required to render the widgets on this form.
User Email Form
- class integreat_cms.cms.forms.users.user_email_form.UserEmailForm(**kwargs: Any)[source]
Form for modifying user email addresses
Form fields:
: Email address (EmailField
- Parameters:
kwargs (Any)
- property media[source]
Return all media required to render the widgets on this form.
User Filter Form
- class integreat_cms.cms.forms.users.user_filter_form.UserFilterForm(**kwargs: Any)[source]
Form for filtering user objects
Form fields:
: Role (ChoiceField
: Permissions (ChoiceField
: Region (ModelChoiceField
: Query (CharField
- Parameters:
kwargs (Any)
- apply(users: QuerySet[User]) QuerySet[User] [source]
Filter the users list according to the given filter data
- filter_by_query(users: QuerySet[User]) QuerySet[User] [source]
Filter the pages list by a given search query
- property media[source]
Return all media required to render the widgets on this form.
User Form
- class integreat_cms.cms.forms.users.user_form.UserForm(**kwargs: Any)[source]
Form for creating and modifying user objects
Form fields:
: Username (CharField
: First name (CharField
: Last name (CharField
: Email address (EmailField
: Staff status (BooleanField
: Active (BooleanField
: Superuser status (BooleanField
: Organization (OrganizationField
: Experienced user (BooleanField
: Regions (ModelMultipleChoiceField
: Role (ModelChoiceField
: Send activation link (BooleanField
: Enable passwordless authentication (BooleanField
: Team (ModelChoiceField
: Password (CharField
- Parameters:
kwargs (Any)
- __init__(**kwargs: Any) None [source]
Initialize user form
- Parameters:
**kwargs (Any) – The supplied keyword arguments
- Return type:
- clean() dict[str, Any] [source]
Validate form fields which depend on each other, see
- clean_email() str [source]
Make the email lower case (see Overriding the clean() method)
- Returns:
The email in lower case
- Return type:
- property media[source]
Return all media required to render the widgets on this form.
User Password Form
- class integreat_cms.cms.forms.users.user_password_form.UserPasswordForm(**kwargs: Any)[source]
Form for changing a user’s password
Form fields:
: My old password (CharField
: My new password (CharField
: Confirm my new password (CharField
- Parameters:
kwargs (Any)
- clean() dict[str, Any] [source]
Validate form fields which depend on each other, see
- property media[source]
Return all media required to render the widgets on this form.
User Preferences Form
- class integreat_cms.cms.forms.users.user_preferences_form.UserPreferencesForm(**kwargs: Any)[source]
Form for changing a user’s preferences
Form fields:
: Automatically distribute sidebar boxes (BooleanField
- Parameters:
kwargs (Any)
- property media[source]
Return all media required to render the widgets on this form.