
Create python package

Packaging for a Python repository like e.g. PyPI is automated via our Continuous Integration (CircleCI) (see build-package). If you want to do the packaging process manually, follow these steps:

  1. Build all static files which are required:

    # Compile translation file
    integreat-cms-cli compilemessages
    # Bundle static files
    npm run prod
  2. Move the README to make sure to include the PyPI-README instead of the GitHub-README:

    mv integreat_cms/ .
  3. After that, you can build the python package with Documentation:

    pip3 install --upgrade pip build twine
    python3 -m build

    Then, the built package can be found in ./dist/.

Publish package

You can publish the package to a python repository like e.g. PyPI with Twine:

twine upload ./dist/integreat_cms-*.tar.gz

See the Twine documentation for all configuration options of this command.