
This package contains utilities which facilitate specific tasks and can be re-used and imported from different locations.

Account Activation Token Generator

This module contains helpers for the account activation process (also see AccountActivationView).

class integreat_cms.cms.utils.account_activation_token_generator.AccountActivationTokenGenerator[source]

Bases: PasswordResetTokenGenerator

This token generator is identical to the default password reset token generator of django.contrib.auth with the exception of the used HMAC salt. This means password reset tokens are no longer accepted for the account activation and vice versa.

algorithm = None[source]
check_token(user, token)[source]

Check that a password reset token is correct for a given user.

key_salt = 'integreat_cms.cms.utils.account_activation_token_generator.AccountActivationTokenGenerator'[source]

The key salt which is passed to the HMAC function


Return a token that can be used once to do a password reset for the given user.

property secret[source]
property secret_fallbacks[source]
integreat_cms.cms.utils.account_activation_token_generator.account_activation_token_generator = <integreat_cms.cms.utils.account_activation_token_generator.AccountActivationTokenGenerator object>[source]

The token generator for the account activation process (an instance of AccountActivationTokenGenerator)

Content Edit Lock

This file contains a mechanism to lock a content editor for other people while a person is using it.

integreat_cms.cms.utils.content_edit_lock.get_cache_key(id_: int | str, type_: str) str[source]

This function returns the key that is used to lock a content object in the cache. It should not be used outside of this module.

  • id – The id of the content object

  • type – The type of the content object

  • id_ (int | str)

  • type_ (str)


The key to use

Return type:


integreat_cms.cms.utils.content_edit_lock.get_locking_user(id_: int | str | None, type_: str) User | None[source]

This function returns the user that locks a specific object

  • id – The id of the content object or None

  • type – The type of the content object

  • id_ (int | str | None)

  • type_ (str)


The user that holds the lock for this content object or None

Return type:

User | None

integreat_cms.cms.utils.content_edit_lock.lock_content(id_: int | None, type_: str, user: User) bool[source]

This function tries to lock a content object for a user. If it is already locked by someone else, nothing will happen. If it is already locked by the same user, the timeout gets reset.

  • id – The id of the content object or None

  • type – The type of the content object

  • user (User) – The user that should get unique access to this content object

  • id_ (int | None)

  • type_ (str)


Whether the content object could be locked

Return type:


integreat_cms.cms.utils.content_edit_lock.unlock_content(id_: int | None, type_: str, user: User) bool[source]

This function tries to unlock a content object for a user. If it is not locked by the passed user, nothing will happen.

  • id – The id of the content object or None

  • type – The type of the content object

  • user (User) – The user that wants to release the lock

  • id_ (int | None)

  • type_ (str)


Whether the content object could be unlocked

Return type:


Content Translation Utils

This file contains utility functions for content translations.

integreat_cms.cms.utils.content_translation_utils.get_referencing_translations(content_translation: AbstractContentTranslation) set[AbstractContentTranslation][source]

Returns a list of content translations that link to the given translation


content_translation (AbstractContentTranslation) – The content_translation for which links should be searched


All referencing content translations

Return type:


Updates all content translations with links that point to the given translation. This fixes potentially outdated links.

  • content_translation (AbstractContentTranslation) – The content translation for which links that points to it should get updated

  • user (User | None) – The user who should be responsible for updating the links

Return type:


Content Utils

integreat_cms.cms.utils.content_utils.clean_content(content: str, language_slug: str) str[source]

This is the super function to clean content

  • content (str) – the body of content that should be cleaned

  • language_slug (str) – Slug of the current language

Return type:


integreat_cms.cms.utils.content_utils.convert_heading(content: HtmlElement) None[source]

Converts every h1 tag in the content to a h2 for SEO purposes.


content (HtmlElement) – the body of content of which every h1 should be converted to an h2.

Return type:


integreat_cms.cms.utils.content_utils.convert_monospaced_tags(content: HtmlElement) None[source]

Converts pre and code tags to p tags.


content (HtmlElement) – the body of content of which every pre and code tag should be transformed

Return type:


integreat_cms.cms.utils.content_utils.fix_alt_texts(content: HtmlElement) None[source]

This function processes images by scanning for media files and replacing alt texts.


content (HtmlElement) – The body of content of which the images should be processed.

Return type:


integreat_cms.cms.utils.content_utils.fix_notranslate(content: HtmlElement) None[source]

This function normalizes every notranslate tag, assuring notranslate class, translate attribute and dir=ltr are set.


content (HtmlElement) – The body of content of which the notranslate markers should be processed.

Return type:


integreat_cms.cms.utils.content_utils.hide_anchor_tag_around_image(content: HtmlElement) None[source]

This function checks whether an image tag wrapped by an anchor tag has an empty alt tag, if so it hides anchor tag from screen-reader and tab-key


content (HtmlElement) – the content which has an anchor tag wrapped around an img tag

Return type:


Set class link-external for links


link (HtmlElement) – the link which classes should be adjusted.

Return type:


integreat_cms.cms.utils.content_utils.remove_target_attribute(link: HtmlElement) None[source]

Removes the target attribute of links if these links are external links


link (HtmlElement) – links whose targets should be removed

Return type:


integreat_cms.cms.utils.content_utils.render_contact_card(contact_id: int, wanted_details: list[str]) HtmlElement[source]

Produces a rendered html element for the contact.

  • contact_id (int) – The id of the contact to render the card for

  • wanted_details (list[str]) – list of details to be shown in the rendered card

Return type:


integreat_cms.cms.utils.content_utils.update_contacts(content: HtmlElement) None[source]

Inject rendered contact html for given ID


content (HtmlElement) – The content whose contacts should be updated

Return type:


Fixes broken internal links

  • link (HtmlElement) – link which should be checked for an internal link and then be updated

  • language_slug (str) – Slug of the current language

Return type:


Super method that gathers all methods related to updating links

  • content (HtmlElement) – The content whose links should be updated

  • language_slug (str) – Slug of the current language

Return type:


Email Utils

integreat_cms.cms.utils.email_utils.send_mail(subject: str, email_template_name: str, html_email_template_name: str, context: dict[str, Any], recipient: str) None[source]

Sends welcome email to user with new account.

Making use of EmailMultiAlternatives and MIMEImage to send a multipart email with plain text and html version and also attach the branding logo.

  • subject (str) – The subject of the email

  • email_template_name (str) – The template to be used to render the text email

  • html_email_template_name (str) – The template to be used to render the HTML email

  • subject – The subject of the email

  • context (dict[str, Any]) – The template context variables

  • recipient (str) – The email address of the recipient

Return type:


External Calendar Utils

Utility functions for working with external calendars

class integreat_cms.cms.utils.external_calendar_utils.IcalEventData(*, event_id: str, title: str, content: str, start_date: date, start_time: time | None, end_date: date, end_time: time | None, is_all_day: bool, recurrence_rule: RecurrenceRuleData | None, categories: list[str], external_calendar_id: int)[source]

Bases: object

Holds data extracted from ical events

__init__(*, event_id: str, title: str, content: str, start_date: date, start_time: time | None, end_date: date, end_time: time | None, is_all_day: bool, recurrence_rule: RecurrenceRuleData | None, categories: list[str], external_calendar_id: int) None[source]
Return type:


categories: list[str][source]
content: str[source]
end_date: date[source]
end_time: time | None[source]
event_id: str[source]
external_calendar_id: int[source]
classmethod from_ical_event(event: icalendar.cal.Component, language_slug: str, external_calendar_id: int, logger: logging.Logger) Self[source]

Reads an ical event and constructs an instance of this class from it :param event: The ical event :param language_slug: The slug of the language of this event :param external_calendar_id: The id of the external calendar of this event :param logger: The logger to use :return: An instance of IcalEventData :raises ValueError: If the data are invalid

  • event (icalendar.cal.Component)

  • language_slug (str)

  • external_calendar_id (int)

  • logger (logging.Logger)

Return type:


is_all_day: bool[source]
recurrence_rule: RecurrenceRuleData | None[source]
start_date: date[source]
start_time: time | None[source]
title: str[source]
to_event_form_data() dict[source]

Returns a dictionary of relevant data for the event form :return: Dict of relevant data

Return type:


to_event_translation_form_data() dict[source]

Returns a dictionary of relevant data for the event translation form :return: Dict of relevant data

Return type:


to_recurrence_rule_form_data() dict[source]

Returns a dictionary of relevant data for the recurrence rule form :return: Dict of relevant data :raises ValueError: If the recurrence rule cannot be mapped to form data

Return type:


class integreat_cms.cms.utils.external_calendar_utils.ImportResult(*, number_of_errors: int)[source]

Bases: object

Datatype for the result of import_event


number_of_errors (int)

__init__(*, number_of_errors: int) None[source]

number_of_errors (int)

Return type:


number_of_errors: int[source]
class integreat_cms.cms.utils.external_calendar_utils.RecurrenceRuleData(*, frequency: vFrequency, interval: vInt, until: vDDDTypes | None, by_day: list[vWeekday] | None, by_set_pos: int | None)[source]

Bases: object

This dataclass contains all relevant data for producing arguments for a recurrence rule from an ical rrule.

  • frequency (vFrequency)

  • interval (vInt)

  • until (vDDDTypes | None)

  • by_day (list[vWeekday] | None)

  • by_set_pos (int | None)

__init__(*, frequency: vFrequency, interval: vInt, until: vDDDTypes | None, by_day: list[vWeekday] | None, by_set_pos: int | None) None[source]
  • frequency (vFrequency)

  • interval (vInt)

  • until (vDDDTypes | None)

  • by_day (list[vWeekday] | None)

  • by_set_pos (int | None)

Return type:


by_day: list[vWeekday] | None[source]
by_set_pos: int | None[source]
decode_by_day() list[int][source]

The correct cms.constants.weeks value for the day of the week


ValueError – If the by_day value is not supported

Return type:


decode_by_set_pos() int[source]

The correct cms.constants.weeks value for the set pos


ValueError – If the by_set_pos value is not supported

Return type:


frequency: vFrequency[source]
classmethod from_ical_rrule(recurrence_rule: vRecur, start: datetime.date, logger: logging.Logger) Self[source]

Constructs this class from an ical recurrence rule. :return: An instance of this class :raises ValueError: If the recurrence rule cannot be mapped to this class

Return type:


interval: vInt[source]
to_form_data() dict[source]

Creates a dictionary that can be passed as form data to the recurrence rule form :return: Dict of relevant data :raises ValueError: If the recurrence rule cannot be mapped to form data

Return type:


until: vDDDTypes | None[source]
integreat_cms.cms.utils.external_calendar_utils.import_event(calendar: ExternalCalendar, event: icalendar.cal.Component, errors: list[str], logger: logging.Logger) str | None[source]

Imports an event from the external calendar

  • calendar (ExternalCalendar) – The external calendar

  • event (icalendar.cal.Component) – The event that should be imported

  • errors (list[str]) – A list to which errors will be logged

  • logger (logging.Logger) – The logger to use


The uid of the event

Return type:

str | None

integreat_cms.cms.utils.external_calendar_utils.import_events(calendar: ExternalCalendar, logger: logging.Logger) ImportResult[source]

Imports events from this calendar and sets or clears the errors field of the calendar


the result of the import (count of errors and successes).

Return type:


File Utils

This module contains helpers for file handling.

integreat_cms.cms.utils.file_utils.create_zip_archive(source_file_paths: list[str], zip_file_path: str) None[source]

Create zip file from list of source files

  • source_file_paths (list[str]) – list of files to be zipped

  • zip_file_path (str) – path to zipped file

Return type:


integreat_cms.cms.utils.file_utils.extract_zip_archive(zip_file_path: str, target_directory: str, allowed_file_extensions: Any | None = None) tuple[list[str], list][source]

Extract zip file and return file paths of content. Returns a tuple of extracted and invalid files:

extracted_files, invalid_files = extract_zip_archive(zip_file_path, target_directory, allowed_file_extensions)

If want to extract all files regardless of their extension, discard the second return value:

extracted_files, _ = extract_zip_archive(zip_file_path, target_directory)
  • zip_file_path (str) – path to zip file

  • target_directory (str) – directory to where the files should be extracted

  • allowed_file_extensions (Any | None) – list of allowed file extensions. If None or empty list, all extensions are allowed.


a tuple of two lists of the valid and invalid filenames

Return type:

tuple[list[str], list]

Linkcheck Utils

integreat_cms.cms.utils.linkcheck_utils.filter_urls(region_slug: str | None = None, url_filter: str | None = None, prefetch_region_links: bool = False) tuple[list[Url], dict[str, int]][source]

Filter all urls of one region by the given category

  • region_slug (str | None) – The slug of the current region

  • url_filter (str | None) – Which urls should be returned (one of valid, invalid, ignored, unchecked). If parameter is not in these choices or omitted, all urls are returned by default.

  • prefetch_region_links (bool) – Whether to prefetch region links


A tuple of the requested urls and a dict containing the counters of all remaining urls

Return type:

tuple[list[Url], dict[str, int]]

integreat_cms.cms.utils.linkcheck_utils.find_target_url_per_content(search: str, replace: str, region: Region | None, link_types: list[str] | None) dict[AbstractContentTranslation, dict[str, str]][source]

returns in which translation what URL must be replaced

  • search (str) – The (partial) URL to search

  • replace (str) – The (partial) URL to replace

  • region (Region | None) – Optionally limit the replacement to one region (None means a global replacement)

  • link_types (list[str] | None) – Which kind of links should be replaced


A dictionary of translations and list of before&after of ULRs

Return type:

dict[AbstractContentTranslation, dict[str, str]]

Returns the links of translations of the given region :param region: The region :return: A query containing the relevant links


region (Region)

Return type:


integreat_cms.cms.utils.linkcheck_utils.get_url_count(region_slug: str | None = None) dict[str, int][source]

Count all urls by status. The content objects are not prefetched because they are not needed for the counter.


region_slug (str | None) – The slug of the current region


A dictionary containing the counters of all remaining urls

Return type:

dict[str, int]

integreat_cms.cms.utils.linkcheck_utils.get_urls(region_slug: str | None = None, url_ids: Any | None = None, prefetch_region_links: bool = False) list[Url] | QuerySet[Url][source]

Collect all the urls which appear in the latest versions of the contents of the region, filtered by ID or region if given.

  • region_slug (str | None) – The slug of the current region

  • url_ids (Any | None) – The list of requested url ids

  • prefetch_region_links (bool) – Whether to prefetch region links


The list (or queryset) of urls

Return type:

list[Url] | QuerySet[Url]

integreat_cms.cms.utils.linkcheck_utils.log_replacement_is_starting(search: str, replace: str, region: Region | None, user: User | None) None[source]

function to log the current link replacement

  • search (str) – The (partial) URL to search

  • replace (str) – The (partial) URL to replace

  • region (Region | None) – Optionally limit the replacement to one region (None means a global replacement)

  • user (User | None) – The creator of the replaced translations

Return type:


Perform search & replace in the content links

  • search (str) – The (partial) URL to search

  • replace (str) – The (partial) URL to replace

  • region (Region | None) – Optionally limit the replacement to one region (None means a global replacement)

  • user (User | None) – The creator of the replaced translations

  • commit (bool) – Whether changes should be written to the database

  • link_types (list[str] | None) – Which kind of links should be replaced

Return type:


Media Utils

Utility functions for the media management. Most of the functions are used to transform media data to other data types.

integreat_cms.cms.utils.media_utils.generate_thumbnail(original_image: InMemoryUploadedFile, size: int = 300, crop: bool = False) InMemoryUploadedFile | None[source]

Creates a thumbnail for a given media_file.

  • original_image (InMemoryUploadedFile) – Original image for the thumbnail

  • size (int) – Desired size of the thumbnail (maximum for height and with), defaults to MEDIA_THUMBNAIL_SIZE

  • crop (bool) – Whether the thumbnail should be cropped (resulting in a square regardless of the initial aspect ratio), defaults to MEDIA_THUMBNAIL_CROP


The created thumbnail in memory

Return type:

InMemoryUploadedFile | None

MFA Utils

This module contains helpers for multi-factor-authentication tasks.

integreat_cms.cms.utils.mfa_utils.generate_challenge(challenge_len: int) str[source]

This function generates a random challenge of the given length. It consists of ascii letters and digits.

Example usage: GetMfaChallengeView


challenge_len (int) – The desired length of the challenge


A random string of the requested length

Return type:


integreat_cms.cms.utils.mfa_utils.get_mfa_user(request: HttpRequest) User | None[source]

Get the user from the session if it exists. This method can be used for the passwordless login, as well as the usual login mode.


request (HttpRequest) – The current request


The user

Return type:

User | None

PDF Utils

integreat_cms.cms.utils.pdf_utils.generate_pdf(region: Region, language_slug: str, pages: PageQuerySet) HttpResponseRedirect[source]

Function for handling a pdf export request for pages. The pages were either selected by cms user or by API request (see pdf_export()) For more information on xhtml2pdf, see xhtml2pdf documentation

  • region (Region) – region which requested the pdf document

  • language_slug (str) – bcp47 slug of the current language

  • pages (PageQuerySet) – at least on page to render as PDF document


Redirection to PDF document

Return type:


According to the xhtml2pdf documentation (see Link callback, this function is necessary for resolving the Django static files references. It returns the absolute paths to the files on the file system.

  • uri (str) – URI that is generated by django template tag ‘static’

  • _rel (str)


The absolute path on the file system according to django’s static file settings

Return type:

str | None

Repair Tree

This module contains utilities to repair or detect inconsistencies in a tree

class integreat_cms.cms.utils.repair_tree.MPTTFixer(dj_apps: Apps = <django.apps.registry.Apps object>)[source]

Bases: object

Gets ALL nodes and coughs out fixed lft, rgt and depth values. Uses the parent field to fix hierarchy and sorts siblings by (potentially inconsistent) lft.


dj_apps (Apps)

__init__(dj_apps: Apps = <django.apps.registry.Apps object>) None[source]

Create a fixed tree, using a ShadowInstance of each page.


dj_apps (Apps)

Return type:


fix_values() None[source]

Recalculate lft, rgt and depth values for the reconstructed hierarchical structure.

Return type:


fix_values_on_subtree(node_id: int, counter: int, depth: int) int[source]

Recalculate lft, rgt and depth values for the subtree of the reconstructed hierarchical structure.

Return type:


get_fixed_root_node(page_id: int) ShadowInstance[Page][source]

Travel up ancestors of a page until we get the root node.


page_id (int)

Return type:


get_fixed_root_nodes() Iterable[ShadowInstance[Page]][source]

Yield all fixed root nodes.

Return type:


get_fixed_tree_nodes() Iterable[ShadowInstance[Page]][source]

Return all nodes of this page tree.

Return type:


get_fixed_tree_of_page(node_id: int | None = None) Iterable[ShadowInstance[Page]][source]

Yield all nodes of the same page tree as the node specified by id in order (fixed). If no node_id is specified, nodes from all trees are considered.


node_id (int | None)

Return type:


logger = <Logger integreat_cms.cms.utils.repair_tree (INFO)>[source]
recreate_structure() None[source]

Extract nodes and recreate their hierarchy.

Return type:


yield_subtree(node_id: int) Iterable[ShadowInstance[Page]][source]

Yield all nodes of the subtree as the node specified by id in order (fixed).


node_id (int)

Return type:


integreat_cms.cms.utils.repair_tree.print_changed_fields(tree_node: ShadowInstance[Page], logging_name: str = 'integreat_cms.cms.utils.repair_tree') None[source]

Utility function to print changed and unchanged attributes using a ShadowInstance of the Page.

Return type:


integreat_cms.cms.utils.repair_tree.repair_tree(page_id: Iterable[int] | None = None, commit: bool = False, logging_name: str = 'integreat_cms.cms.utils.repair_tree', dj_apps: Apps = <django.apps.registry.Apps object>) None[source]

Fix the tree for a given page, or all trees if no id is given. Changes are only written to the database if commit is set to True. For details see MPTTFixer.

  • page_id (Iterable[int] | None)

  • commit (bool)

  • logging_name (str)

  • dj_apps (Apps)

Return type:


Round Hix Score

integreat_cms.cms.utils.round_hix_score.round_hix_score(raw_score: float | None) float | None[source]

Function to round HIX score


raw_score (float | None)

Return type:

float | None

Shadow Instance

This module contains utilities to repair or detect inconsistencies in a tree

class integreat_cms.cms.utils.shadow_instance.ShadowInstance(instance: T)[source]

Bases: Generic[T]

An object shadowing the attributes of the model instance passed to it on instantiation and withholding any attribute changes until explicitly applied, allowing to compare the old and new states before committing to them.


instance (T)

__init__(instance: T)[source]

instance (T)

apply_changes(attributes: Iterable | None = None) None[source]

Apply changes of the listed attributes. Applies all changes if attributes is None.


attributes (Iterable | None)

Return type:


property changed_attributes: dict[str, dict[str, Any]][source]

A dictionary of all attributes whose value is to be changed. The value to each attribute name is another dictionary containing the "old" and "new" value.

Note that this does not show attributes that were overwritten with the same value (so display no difference yet) – for this see overwritten_attributes.

discard_changes(attributes: Iterable | None = None) None[source]

Discard changes of the listed attributes. Discards all changes if attributes is None.


attributes (Iterable | None)

Return type:


property instance: T[source]

Return the shadowed instance.

property overwritten_attributes: dict[str, dict[str, Any]][source]

A dictionary of all overwritten attributes. The value to each attribute name is another dictionary containing the "old" and "new" value (missing the "old" value if the attribute is not set on the instance).

Note that this even shows attributes that were overwritten with the same value (so display no difference yet) – for only the changed values see changed_attributes.

reload() None[source]

Reload the shadowed instance from the database. The state of the overwritten attributes is kept.

This can be used to incorporate recent changes to the database object after a longer (i.e. user directed) staging period.

Return type:


save(*args: list, **kwargs: dict) None[source]

Save the shadowed instance. Does nothing if no changes were applied yet (see apply_changes()).

Return type:


Slug Utils

This module contains helpers regarding unique string identifiers without special characters (“slugs”).

integreat_cms.cms.utils.slug_utils.generate_unique_slug(**kwargs: Unpack[SlugKwargs]) str[source]

This function can be used in forms to clean slug fields. It will make sure the slug field contains a unique identifier per region and language. It can also be used for region slugs (foreign_model is None in this case). If the slug field is empty, it creates a fallback value from either the title or the name field. In case the slug exists already, it appends a counter which is increased until the slug is unique.

Example usages:


**kwargs (Unpack[SlugKwargs]) – The supplied keyword arguments


ValidationError – When no slug is given and there is also no field which can be used as fallback (either title or name).


An unique slug identifier

Return type:


integreat_cms.cms.utils.slug_utils.generate_unique_slug_helper(form_object: ModelForm, foreign_model: ForeignModelType) str[source]

This function acts like an interface and extracts all parameters of the form_object before actually generating the unique slug, so that unique slug generation can be performed without any cleaned form data after a form submission.

  • form_object (ModelForm) – The form which contains the slug field

  • foreign_model (ForeignModelType) – If the form instance has a foreign key to another model (e.g. because it is a translation of a content-object), this parameter contains the model of the foreign related object.


ValidationError – When no slug is given and there is also no field which can be used as fallback (either title or name).


An unique slug identifier

Return type:


Stringify List

integreat_cms.cms.utils.stringify_list.iter_to_string(iterable: Iterable, *, quotation_char: str = '"', max_items: int = 5) str[source]

This is a helper function that turns a list into a string using different delimiters.

  • iterable (Iterable) – List of items

  • quotation_char (str) – The character that is added around each item in the list

  • max_items (int) – The maximum number of items in the iterable to display


Returns string with the single items separated by comma expect the last item which is separated by ‘and’.

Return type:


Text Utils

This module contains helpers for strings.

integreat_cms.cms.utils.text_utils.lowfirst(string: Promise) str[source]

Make the first letter of a string lowercase (counterpart of capfirst(), see also capfirst).


string (Promise) – The input text


The lowercase text

Return type:


integreat_cms.cms.utils.text_utils.truncate_bytewise(string: str, length: int) str[source]

Truncate a UTF-8 encoded string to a maximum byte length.

  • string (str) – The input text

  • length (int) – The maximum length of the text in byte representation


The truncated text

Return type:


Tinymce Icon Utils

This file contains utilities related to icons in the tinymce editor

integreat_cms.cms.utils.tinymce_icon_utils.get_icon_html(icon_name: str) Element[source]

Returns the html for the given icon


icon_name (str) – The name of the icon


The html

Return type:


integreat_cms.cms.utils.tinymce_icon_utils.get_icon_url(icon_name: str) str[source]

Returns the url to the given icon svg


icon_name (str) – The name of the icon


the url path to the asset

Return type:


integreat_cms.cms.utils.tinymce_icon_utils.make_icon(icon_url: str) Element[source]

Construct a html element that display an image with the given url :param icon_url: The url to the icon :return: The html element


icon_url (str)

Return type:


Totp Utils

This module contains helper functions that are used within the TOTP registration and authentication.

integreat_cms.cms.utils.totp_utils.check_totp_code(given_totp_code: str, key: str) bool[source]

Helper method to check the given code with the initial key

  • given_totp_code (str) – The entered TOTP code form the user

  • key (str) – The key that is used for the generation of the true code


True if the given code matches the initiated

Return type:


integreat_cms.cms.utils.totp_utils.generate_totp_qrcode(key: str, user: User) str[source]

Render event form for HTTP GET requests

  • key (str) – The required key to generate the QR code

  • user (User) – The user account that is trying to add TOTP to its account


The QR code as a base64-encoded string

Return type:


Translation Utils

This module contains helpers for the gettext translation process of UI languages.

integreat_cms.cms.utils.translation_utils.gettext_many_lazy(*strings: Any) Promise[source]

This function is a wrapper for django.utils.text.format_lazy() for the special case that the given strings should be concatenated with a space in between. This is useful for splitting lazy translated strings by sentences which improves the translation memory.


*strings (Any) – A list of lazy translated strings which should be concatenated


A lazy formatted string

Return type:


Translate a link with keeping the HTML tags and still escaping all unknown parts of the message

  • message (Promise | str) – The translated message that contains the link placeholder <a>{link_text}</a>

  • attributes (dict[str, str]) – A dictionary of attributes for the link


A correctly escaped formatted string with the translated message and the HTML link

Return type:


Tree Mutex

This module contains a custom decorator for db / redis mutexes

integreat_cms.cms.utils.tree_mutex.INTERVAL = 0.1[source]

How long to sleep between retries to acquire the lock.

integreat_cms.cms.utils.tree_mutex.LOCK_SECONDS = 10[source]

For how many seconds the lock persists, and the timeout for retrying to acquire it.

integreat_cms.cms.utils.tree_mutex.monkeypatch_cursor_func(using: str = 'default') Generator[None, None, None][source]

Get connection for upstream transaction and set alternative treebeard.models.Node._get_database_cursor() that returns its cursor instead. Ensures that this is being called from within the same thread and context, otherwise still return original value.


using (str)

Return type:

Generator[None, None, None]

integreat_cms.cms.utils.tree_mutex.tree_mutex(classname: str) Callable[[Callable[[P], R]], Callable[[P], R]][source]

A decorator to prevent treebeard from screwing up the database. Extending cache_based_lock(), we use django.db.transaction.atomic() and monkey patch treebeard.models.Node._get_database_cursor() to actually use djangos database cursor and force it into db transactions that way.

Allows page trees to be locked separately from POIs etc., but requires strict conformance to always specify the exact classname when using the decorator. If there is a typo, there will be no indication at server startup, and collisions and data corruption may occur. For more information, see cache_based_lock().


classname (str)

Return type:

Callable[[Callable[[~P], R]], Callable[[~P], R]]

User Utils

integreat_cms.cms.utils.user_utils.search_users(region: Region | None, query: str) QuerySet[User][source]

Searches for all users that match the given query. If region is None, all users are searched. :param region: The current region :param query: The query string used for filtering the regions :return: A query for all matching objects

Return type:


Welcome Mail Utils

integreat_cms.cms.utils.welcome_mail_utils.send_welcome_mail(request: HttpRequest, user: User, activation: bool) None[source]

Sends welcome email to user with new account.

Making use of EmailMultiAlternatives and MIMEImage to send a multipart email with plain text and html version and also attach the integreat logo.

  • request (HttpRequest) – The current http request

  • user (User) – The user to whom the e-mail is to be sent

  • activation (bool) – Activation link should be generated

Return type:



Zammad API helper functions

class integreat_cms.cms.utils.zammad.ZammadAPI[source]

Bases: object

Zammad API Wrapper. This is intended to be used as a UserChat parent class.

property automatic_answers: bool[source]

Check if automatic answers are turned on/off


generate automatic answers or not

create_ticket(title: str) int[source]

Create Zammad ticket and return ticket ID


title (str) – Ticket title


Zammad ticket ID

Return type:


abstract property device_id: str[source]

Property that has to be defined in child classes

Get user evaluation consent


user evaluation consent

get_zammad_ticket_messages() list[dict][source]

Get Zammad ticket articles


list of Zammad articles (chat messages)

Return type:


get_zammad_user_mail() str[source]

Get Zammad user e-mail


region – region that is connected to the Zammad server


User e-mail address

Return type:


property messages: list[dict][source]

Return all messages stored in Zammad for this ticket


formatted chat messages

abstract property region: Region[source]

Property that has to be defined in child classes

save_automatic_answers(value: bool) bool[source]

Turn automatic answers on/off


value (bool) – True if user agrees, false if not



Return type:


Set user evaluation consent


value (bool) – True if user agrees, false if not



Return type:


save_message(message: str, internal: bool, automatic_message: bool) bool[source]

Save a new message (article) to a Zammad ticket.

  • message (str) – message text to be saved

  • internal (bool) – true if message should not be visible to app user

  • automatic_message (bool) – true if message does not originate from a human



Return type:


abstract property zammad_id: int[source]

Property that has to be defined in child classes

zammad_request(method: str, path: str, payload: dict | None = None) Response[source]

Wrapper for calling the Zammad API. Mostly takes care of auth and timeout.

  • method (str) – HTTP Method

  • path (str) – API path that will be called

  • payload (dict | None) – JSON payload as dict


Response from Zammad API

Return type:
