
Constants are used whenever we store values in the database which are chosen from a very limited set. Defining constants here adds an abstract layer on top of the actual values that are stored in the database. This improves readability of the code, enables auto-completion of values and minimizes the risk of mistakes. The actual values which are stored in the database are completely irrelevant, because neither the developer, nor the end users gets to see them. The developer only sees the defined constant, and the end user only sees the (translated) string representation defined in a mapping which is called CHOICES for every submodule.

Administrative Division

This module contains constants which represent all possible administrative divisions of a region in Germany.

integreat_cms.cms.constants.administrative_division.AREA_STATE: Final = 'AREA_STATE'[source]

Area state (German: “Flächenland”)

integreat_cms.cms.constants.administrative_division.CHOICES: Final[list[tuple[str, Promise]]] = [('CITY', 'City'), ('DISTRICT', 'District'), ('RURAL_DISTRICT', 'Rural district'), ('REGION', 'Region'), ('CITY_AND_DISTRICT', 'City and district'), ('URBAN_DISTRICT', 'Urban district'), ('GOVERNMENTAL_DISTRICT', 'Governmental district'), ('CITY_STATE', 'City state'), ('AREA_STATE', 'Area state'), ('FREE_STATE', 'Free state'), ('FEDERAL_STATE', 'Federal state'), ('MUNICIPALITY', 'Municipality'), ('COLLECTIVE_MUNICIPALITY', 'Collective municipality'), ('INITIAL_RECEPTION_CENTER', 'Initial reception center')][source]

Choices to use these constants in a database field

    ('CITY', 'City'),
    ('DISTRICT', 'District'),
    ('RURAL_DISTRICT', 'Rural district'),
    ('REGION', 'Region'),
    ('CITY_AND_DISTRICT', 'City and district'),
    ('URBAN_DISTRICT', 'Urban district'),
    ('GOVERNMENTAL_DISTRICT', 'Governmental district'),
    ('CITY_STATE', 'City state'),
    ('AREA_STATE', 'Area state'),
    ('FREE_STATE', 'Free state'),
    ('FEDERAL_STATE', 'Federal state'),
    ('MUNICIPALITY', 'Municipality'),
    ('COLLECTIVE_MUNICIPALITY', 'Collective municipality'),
    ('INITIAL_RECEPTION_CENTER', 'Initial reception center'),
integreat_cms.cms.constants.administrative_division.CITY: Final = 'CITY'[source]

City (German: “Stadt”)

integreat_cms.cms.constants.administrative_division.CITY_AND_DISTRICT: Final = 'CITY_AND_DISTRICT'[source]

City and district (German: “Stadt und Landkreis”)

integreat_cms.cms.constants.administrative_division.CITY_STATE: Final = 'CITY_STATE'[source]

City state (German: “Stadtstaat”)

integreat_cms.cms.constants.administrative_division.COLLECTIVE_MUNICIPALITY: Final = 'COLLECTIVE_MUNICIPALITY'[source]

Collective municipality (German: “Verbandsgemeinde”)

integreat_cms.cms.constants.administrative_division.DISTRICT: Final = 'DISTRICT'[source]

District (German: “Kreis”)

integreat_cms.cms.constants.administrative_division.FEDERAL_STATE: Final = 'FEDERAL_STATE'[source]

Federal state (German: “Bundesland”)

integreat_cms.cms.constants.administrative_division.FREE_STATE: Final = 'FREE_STATE'[source]

Free state (German: “Freistaat”)

integreat_cms.cms.constants.administrative_division.GOVERNMENTAL_DISTRICT: Final = 'GOVERNMENTAL_DISTRICT'[source]

Governmental district (German: “Regierungsbezirk”)

integreat_cms.cms.constants.administrative_division.INITIAL_RECEPTION_CENTER: Final = 'INITIAL_RECEPTION_CENTER'[source]

Initial reception center (German: “Erstaufnahmeeinrichtung”)

integreat_cms.cms.constants.administrative_division.MUNICIPALITY: Final = 'MUNICIPALITY'[source]

Municipality (German: “Gemeinde”)

integreat_cms.cms.constants.administrative_division.REGION: Final = 'REGION'[source]

Region (German: “Region”)

integreat_cms.cms.constants.administrative_division.RURAL_DISTRICT: Final = 'RURAL_DISTRICT'[source]

Rural district (German: “Landkreis”)

integreat_cms.cms.constants.administrative_division.URBAN_DISTRICT: Final = 'URBAN_DISTRICT'[source]

Urban district (German: “Kreisfreie Stadt”)

All Day

This module contains all string representations of all day filter options, used by EventFilterForm and EventListView.

The module also contains a constant DATATYPE, which contains the type of the constant values linked to the strings and is used for correctly instantiating django.forms.TypedMultipleChoiceField instances in EventFilterForm.

integreat_cms.cms.constants.all_day.ALL_DAY: Final = 1[source]

Only events which are all day long

integreat_cms.cms.constants.all_day.CHOICES: Final[list[tuple[int, Promise]]] = [(1, 'All day long events'), (2, 'Not all day long events')][source]

Choices to use these constants in a database field

[(1, 'All day long events'), (2, 'Not all day long events')]

This docstring is overridden by “alias of”

integreat_cms.cms.constants.all_day.NOT_ALL_DAY: Final = 2[source]

Exclude events which are all day long

Allowed Media

This module contains a list of Mime-Types that are allowed to be uploaded.

integreat_cms.cms.constants.allowed_media.CHOICES: Final[list[tuple[str, Promise]]] = [('image/png', 'PNG image'), ('image/jpeg', 'JPEG image'), ('application/pdf', 'PDF document'), ('image/svg+xml', 'SVG image'), ('image/gif', 'GIF image'), ('application/msword', 'DOC document'), ('application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document', 'DOCX document'), ('application/', 'XLS document'), ('application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', 'XLSX document'), ('application/', 'PPT document'), ('application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', 'PPTX document')][source]

Allowed MIME types that are allowed in the database.

    ('image/png', 'PNG image'),
    ('image/jpeg', 'JPEG image'),
    ('application/pdf', 'PDF document'),
    ('image/svg+xml', 'SVG image'),
    ('image/gif', 'GIF image'),
    ('application/msword', 'DOC document'),
        'DOCX document',
    ('application/', 'XLS document'),
        'XLSX document',
    ('application/', 'PPT document'),
        'PPTX document',
integreat_cms.cms.constants.allowed_media.DOC: Final = 'application/msword'[source]

MIME type of legacy 97-2007 Word files

integreat_cms.cms.constants.allowed_media.DOCUMENTS: Final[list[tuple[str, Promise]]] = [('application/pdf', 'PDF document')][source]

MIME types of document files. Expand this list to add further data types.

[('application/pdf', 'PDF document')]
integreat_cms.cms.constants.allowed_media.DOCX: Final = 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document'[source]

MIME type of default Word files

integreat_cms.cms.constants.allowed_media.GIF: Final = 'image/gif'[source]

MIME type of GIF files

integreat_cms.cms.constants.allowed_media.IMAGES: Final[list[tuple[str, Promise]]] = [('image/png', 'PNG image'), ('image/jpeg', 'JPEG image')][source]

MIME type of image files. Expand this list to add further data types.

[('image/png', 'PNG image'), ('image/jpeg', 'JPEG image')]
integreat_cms.cms.constants.allowed_media.JPEG: Final = 'image/jpeg'[source]

MIME type of JPEG files

integreat_cms.cms.constants.allowed_media.LEGACY_TYPES: Final[list[tuple[str, Promise]]] = [('image/svg+xml', 'SVG image'), ('image/gif', 'GIF image'), ('application/msword', 'DOC document'), ('application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document', 'DOCX document'), ('application/', 'XLS document'), ('application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', 'XLSX document'), ('application/', 'PPT document'), ('application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', 'PPTX document')][source]

Legacy MIME types that existed in the former Wordpress system.

    ('image/svg+xml', 'SVG image'),
    ('image/gif', 'GIF image'),
    ('application/msword', 'DOC document'),
        'DOCX document',
    ('application/', 'XLS document'),
        'XLSX document',
    ('application/', 'PPT document'),
        'PPTX document',
integreat_cms.cms.constants.allowed_media.PDF: Final = 'application/pdf'[source]

MIME type of PDF files

integreat_cms.cms.constants.allowed_media.PNG: Final = 'image/png'[source]

MIME type of PNG files

integreat_cms.cms.constants.allowed_media.PPT: Final = 'application/'[source]

MIME type of legacy 97-2007 PowerPoint files

integreat_cms.cms.constants.allowed_media.PPTX: Final = 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation'[source]

MIME type of default PowerPoint files

integreat_cms.cms.constants.allowed_media.SVG: Final = 'image/svg+xml'[source]

MIME type of SVG files

integreat_cms.cms.constants.allowed_media.UPLOAD_CHOICES: list[tuple[str, Promise]] = [('image/png', 'PNG image'), ('image/jpeg', 'JPEG image'), ('application/pdf', 'PDF document')][source]

Allowed MIME types that can be uploaded.

    ('image/png', 'PNG image'),
    ('image/jpeg', 'JPEG image'),
    ('application/pdf', 'PDF document'),
integreat_cms.cms.constants.allowed_media.XLS: Final = 'application/'[source]

MIME type of legacy 97-2007 Excel files

integreat_cms.cms.constants.allowed_media.XLSX: Final = 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet'[source]

MIME type of default Excel files

Calendar Filters

This module contains all string representations of calendar filter options, used by EventFilterForm and EventListView:

The module also contains a constant DATATYPE which contains the type of the constant values linked to the strings and is used for correctly instantiating django.forms.TypedMultipleChoiceField instances in EventFilterForm.

integreat_cms.cms.constants.calendar_filters.CHOICES: Final[list[tuple[int, Promise]]] = [(1, 'Event not from an external calendar'), (2, 'Event from an external calendar')][source]

Choices to use these constants in a database field

    (1, 'Event not from an external calendar'),
    (2, 'Event from an external calendar'),
integreat_cms.cms.constants.calendar_filters.EVENT_FROM_EXTERNAL_CALENDAR: Final = 2[source]

Events that are not recurring, i.e. take place only once


This module contains a mapping from ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes to their names in English. Data based on:

integreat_cms.cms.constants.countries.CHOICES: Final[list[tuple[str, Promise]]] = [('ab', 'Arabic (non-political)'), ('ad', 'Andorra'), ('ae', 'United Arab Emirates'), ('af', 'Afghanistan'), ('al', 'Albania'), ('am', 'Armenia'), ('ao', 'Angola'), ('ar', 'Argentina'), ('at', 'Austria'), ('au', 'Australia'), ('az', 'Azerbaijan'), ('ba', 'Bosnia and Herzegovina'), ('bd', 'Bangladesh'), ('be', 'Belgium'), ('bf', 'Burkina Faso'), ('bg', 'Bulgaria'), ('bh', 'Bahrain'), ('bi', 'Burundi'), ('bj', 'Benin'), ('bm', 'Bermuda'), ('bn', 'Brunei'), ('bo', 'Bolivia'), ('br', 'Brazil'), ('bt', 'Bhutan'), ('bw', 'Botswana'), ('by', 'Belarus'), ('ca', 'Canada'), ('cd', 'Congo (Democratic Republic)'), ('cf', 'Central African Republic'), ('cg', 'Congo (Republic)'), ('ch', 'Switzerland'), ('ci', "Côte d'Ivoire"), ('cl', 'Chile'), ('cm', 'Cameroon'), ('cn', 'China'), ('co', 'Colombia'), ('cr', 'Costa Rica'), ('cu', 'Cuba'), ('cy', 'Cyprus'), ('cz', 'Czechia'), ('de', 'Germany'), ('de-si', 'German (easy)'), ('dj', 'Djibouti'), ('dk', 'Denmark'), ('dm', 'Dominica'), ('do', 'Dominican Republic'), ('dz', 'Algeria'), ('ec', 'Ecuador'), ('ee', 'Estonia'), ('eg', 'Egypt'), ('er', 'Eritrea'), ('es', 'Spain'), ('et', 'Ethiopia'), ('fs', 'Farsi (non-political)'), ('fi', 'Finland'), ('fr', 'France'), ('ga', 'Gabon'), ('gb', 'United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland'), ('gd', 'Grenada'), ('ge', 'Georgia'), ('gf', 'French Guiana'), ('gg', 'Guernsey'), ('gh', 'Ghana'), ('gi', 'Gibraltar'), ('gl', 'Greenland'), ('gm', 'Gambia'), ('gn', 'Guinea'), ('gp', 'Guadeloupe'), ('gr', 'Greece'), ('gt', 'Guatemala'), ('gu', 'Guam'), ('gy', 'Guyana'), ('hk', 'Hong Kong'), ('hn', 'Honduras'), ('hr', 'Croatia'), ('ht', 'Haiti'), ('hu', 'Hungary'), ('id', 'Indonesia'), ('ie', 'Ireland'), ('il', 'Israel'), ('in', 'India'), ('iq', 'Iraq'), ('ir', 'Iran'), ('is', 'Iceland'), ('it', 'Italy'), ('jm', 'Jamaica'), ('jo', 'Jordan'), ('jp', 'Japan'), ('ke', 'Kenya'), ('kg', 'Kyrgyzstan'), ('kh', 'Cambodia'), ('kp', 'North Korea'), ('kr', 'South Korea'), ('kw', 'Kuwait'), ('kz', 'Kazakhstan'), ('lb', 'Lebanon'), ('li', 'Liechtenstein'), ('lr', 'Liberia'), ('ls', 'Lesotho'), ('lt', 'Lithuania'), ('lu', 'Luxembourg'), ('lv', 'Latvia'), ('ly', 'Libya'), ('ma', 'Morocco'), ('mc', 'Monaco'), ('md', 'Moldova'), ('me', 'Montenegro'), ('mg', 'Madagascar'), ('mk', 'North Macedonia'), ('ml', 'Mali'), ('mm', 'Myanmar'), ('mn', 'Mongolia'), ('mr', 'Mauritania'), ('mt', 'Malta'), ('mu', 'Mauritius'), ('mv', 'Maldives'), ('mw', 'Malawi'), ('mx', 'Mexico'), ('my', 'Malaysia'), ('mz', 'Mozambique'), ('na', 'Namibia'), ('ne', 'Niger'), ('ng', 'Nigeria'), ('ni', 'Nicaragua'), ('nl', 'Netherlands'), ('no', 'Norway'), ('np', 'Nepal'), ('nz', 'New Zealand'), ('om', 'Oman'), ('pa', 'Panama'), ('pe', 'Peru'), ('pf', 'French Polynesia'), ('pg', 'Papua New Guinea'), ('ph', 'Philippines'), ('pk', 'Pakistan'), ('pl', 'Poland'), ('ps', 'Palestine'), ('pt', 'Portugal'), ('py', 'Paraguay'), ('qa', 'Qatar'), ('ro', 'Romania'), ('rs', 'Serbia'), ('ru', 'Russian Federation'), ('rw', 'Rwanda'), ('sa', 'Saudi Arabia'), ('sd', 'Sudan'), ('se', 'Sweden'), ('si', 'Slovenia'), ('sk', 'Slovakia'), ('sl', 'Sierra Leone'), ('sn', 'Senegal'), ('so', 'Somalia'), ('ss', 'South Sudan'), ('sv', 'El Salvador'), ('sy', 'Syrian Arab Republic'), ('td', 'Chad'), ('th', 'Thailand'), ('tj', 'Tajikistan'), ('tm', 'Turkmenistan'), ('tn', 'Tunisia'), ('tr', 'Turkey'), ('tw', 'Taiwan'), ('tz', 'Tanzania'), ('ua', 'Ukraine'), ('ug', 'Uganda'), ('us', 'United States of America'), ('uy', 'Uruguay'), ('uz', 'Uzbekistan'), ('ve', 'Venezuela'), ('vn', 'Viet Nam'), ('xk', 'Kosovo'), ('ye', 'Yemen'), ('za', 'South Africa'), ('zm', 'Zambia'), ('zw', 'Zimbabwe')][source]

Choices which can be used as primary countries for language objects

    ('ab', 'Arabic (non-political)'),
    ('ad', 'Andorra'),
    ('ae', 'United Arab Emirates'),
    ('af', 'Afghanistan'),
    ('al', 'Albania'),
    ('am', 'Armenia'),
    ('ao', 'Angola'),
    ('ar', 'Argentina'),
    ('at', 'Austria'),
    ('au', 'Australia'),
    ('az', 'Azerbaijan'),
    ('ba', 'Bosnia and Herzegovina'),
    ('bd', 'Bangladesh'),
    ('be', 'Belgium'),
    ('bf', 'Burkina Faso'),
    ('bg', 'Bulgaria'),
    ('bh', 'Bahrain'),
    ('bi', 'Burundi'),
    ('bj', 'Benin'),
    ('bm', 'Bermuda'),
    ('bn', 'Brunei'),
    ('bo', 'Bolivia'),
    ('br', 'Brazil'),
    ('bt', 'Bhutan'),
    ('bw', 'Botswana'),
    ('by', 'Belarus'),
    ('ca', 'Canada'),
    ('cd', 'Congo (Democratic Republic)'),
    ('cf', 'Central African Republic'),
    ('cg', 'Congo (Republic)'),
    ('ch', 'Switzerland'),
    ('ci', "Côte d'Ivoire"),
    ('cl', 'Chile'),
    ('cm', 'Cameroon'),
    ('cn', 'China'),
    ('co', 'Colombia'),
    ('cr', 'Costa Rica'),
    ('cu', 'Cuba'),
    ('cy', 'Cyprus'),
    ('cz', 'Czechia'),
    ('de', 'Germany'),
    ('de-si', 'German (easy)'),
    ('dj', 'Djibouti'),
    ('dk', 'Denmark'),
    ('dm', 'Dominica'),
    ('do', 'Dominican Republic'),
    ('dz', 'Algeria'),
    ('ec', 'Ecuador'),
    ('ee', 'Estonia'),
    ('eg', 'Egypt'),
    ('er', 'Eritrea'),
    ('es', 'Spain'),
    ('et', 'Ethiopia'),
    ('fs', 'Farsi (non-political)'),
    ('fi', 'Finland'),
    ('fr', 'France'),
    ('ga', 'Gabon'),
    ('gb', 'United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland'),
    ('gd', 'Grenada'),
    ('ge', 'Georgia'),
    ('gf', 'French Guiana'),
    ('gg', 'Guernsey'),
    ('gh', 'Ghana'),
    ('gi', 'Gibraltar'),
    ('gl', 'Greenland'),
    ('gm', 'Gambia'),
    ('gn', 'Guinea'),
    ('gp', 'Guadeloupe'),
    ('gr', 'Greece'),
    ('gt', 'Guatemala'),
    ('gu', 'Guam'),
    ('gy', 'Guyana'),
    ('hk', 'Hong Kong'),
    ('hn', 'Honduras'),
    ('hr', 'Croatia'),
    ('ht', 'Haiti'),
    ('hu', 'Hungary'),
    ('id', 'Indonesia'),
    ('ie', 'Ireland'),
    ('il', 'Israel'),
    ('in', 'India'),
    ('iq', 'Iraq'),
    ('ir', 'Iran'),
    ('is', 'Iceland'),
    ('it', 'Italy'),
    ('jm', 'Jamaica'),
    ('jo', 'Jordan'),
    ('jp', 'Japan'),
    ('ke', 'Kenya'),
    ('kg', 'Kyrgyzstan'),
    ('kh', 'Cambodia'),
    ('kp', 'North Korea'),
    ('kr', 'South Korea'),
    ('kw', 'Kuwait'),
    ('kz', 'Kazakhstan'),
    ('lb', 'Lebanon'),
    ('li', 'Liechtenstein'),
    ('lr', 'Liberia'),
    ('ls', 'Lesotho'),
    ('lt', 'Lithuania'),
    ('lu', 'Luxembourg'),
    ('lv', 'Latvia'),
    ('ly', 'Libya'),
    ('ma', 'Morocco'),
    ('mc', 'Monaco'),
    ('md', 'Moldova'),
    ('me', 'Montenegro'),
    ('mg', 'Madagascar'),
    ('mk', 'North Macedonia'),
    ('ml', 'Mali'),
    ('mm', 'Myanmar'),
    ('mn', 'Mongolia'),
    ('mr', 'Mauritania'),
    ('mt', 'Malta'),
    ('mu', 'Mauritius'),
    ('mv', 'Maldives'),
    ('mw', 'Malawi'),
    ('mx', 'Mexico'),
    ('my', 'Malaysia'),
    ('mz', 'Mozambique'),
    ('na', 'Namibia'),
    ('ne', 'Niger'),
    ('ng', 'Nigeria'),
    ('ni', 'Nicaragua'),
    ('nl', 'Netherlands'),
    ('no', 'Norway'),
    ('np', 'Nepal'),
    ('nz', 'New Zealand'),
    ('om', 'Oman'),
    ('pa', 'Panama'),
    ('pe', 'Peru'),
    ('pf', 'French Polynesia'),
    ('pg', 'Papua New Guinea'),
    ('ph', 'Philippines'),
    ('pk', 'Pakistan'),
    ('pl', 'Poland'),
    ('ps', 'Palestine'),
    ('pt', 'Portugal'),
    ('py', 'Paraguay'),
    ('qa', 'Qatar'),
    ('ro', 'Romania'),
    ('rs', 'Serbia'),
    ('ru', 'Russian Federation'),
    ('rw', 'Rwanda'),
    ('sa', 'Saudi Arabia'),
    ('sd', 'Sudan'),
    ('se', 'Sweden'),
    ('si', 'Slovenia'),
    ('sk', 'Slovakia'),
    ('sl', 'Sierra Leone'),
    ('sn', 'Senegal'),
    ('so', 'Somalia'),
    ('ss', 'South Sudan'),
    ('sv', 'El Salvador'),
    ('sy', 'Syrian Arab Republic'),
    ('td', 'Chad'),
    ('th', 'Thailand'),
    ('tj', 'Tajikistan'),
    ('tm', 'Turkmenistan'),
    ('tn', 'Tunisia'),
    ('tr', 'Turkey'),
    ('tw', 'Taiwan'),
    ('tz', 'Tanzania'),
    ('ua', 'Ukraine'),
    ('ug', 'Uganda'),
    ('us', 'United States of America'),
    ('uy', 'Uruguay'),
    ('uz', 'Uzbekistan'),
    ('ve', 'Venezuela'),
    ('vn', 'Viet Nam'),
    ('xk', 'Kosovo'),
    ('ye', 'Yemen'),
    ('za', 'South Africa'),
    ('zm', 'Zambia'),
    ('zw', 'Zimbabwe'),
integreat_cms.cms.constants.countries.INACTIVE_CHOICES: Final[list[tuple[str, Promise]]] = [('ac', 'Ascension'), ('ag', 'Antigua and Barbuda'), ('ai', 'Anguilla'), ('as', 'American Samoa'), ('aw', 'Aruba'), ('ax', 'Åland Islands'), ('bb', 'Barbados'), ('bl', 'Saint Barthélemy'), ('bq', 'Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba'), ('bs', 'Bahamas'), ('bv', 'Bouvet Island'), ('bz', 'Belize'), ('cc', 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands'), ('ck', 'Cook Islands'), ('cv', 'Cabo Verde'), ('cw', 'Curaçao'), ('cx', 'Christmas Island'), ('eh', 'Western Sahara'), ('fj', 'Fiji'), ('fk', 'Falkland Islands (Malvinas)'), ('fm', 'Micronesia'), ('fo', 'Faroe Islands'), ('gq', 'Equatorial Guinea'), ('gs', 'South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands'), ('gw', 'Guinea-Bissau'), ('hm', 'Heard Island and McDonald Islands'), ('im', 'Isle of Man'), ('io', 'British Indian Ocean Territory'), ('je', 'Jersey'), ('ki', 'Kiribati'), ('km', 'Comoros'), ('kn', 'Saint Kitts and Nevis'), ('ky', 'Cayman Islands'), ('la', "Lao People's Democratic Republic"), ('lc', 'Saint Lucia'), ('lk', 'Sri Lanka'), ('mf', 'Saint Martin (French part)'), ('mh', 'Marshall Islands'), ('mo', 'Macao'), ('mp', 'Northern Mariana Islands'), ('mq', 'Martinique'), ('ms', 'Montserrat'), ('nc', 'New Caledonia'), ('nf', 'Norfolk Island'), ('nr', 'Nauru'), ('nu', 'Niue'), ('pm', 'Saint Pierre and Miquelon'), ('pn', 'Pitcairn'), ('pr', 'Puerto Rico'), ('pw', 'Palau'), ('re', 'Réunion'), ('sb', 'Solomon Islands'), ('sc', 'Seychelles'), ('sg', 'Singapore'), ('sh', 'Saint Helena'), ('sj', 'Svalbard and Jan Mayen'), ('sm', 'San Marino'), ('sr', 'Suriname'), ('st', 'Sao Tome and Principe'), ('sx', 'Sint Maarten (Dutch part)'), ('sz', 'Eswatini'), ('ta', 'Tristan da Cunha'), ('tc', 'Turks and Caicos Islands'), ('tf', 'French Southern Territories'), ('tg', 'Togo'), ('tk', 'Tokelau'), ('tl', 'Timor-Leste'), ('to', 'Tonga'), ('tt', 'Trinidad and Tobago'), ('tv', 'Tuvalu'), ('um', 'United States Minor Outlying Islands'), ('va', 'Holy See'), ('vc', 'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines'), ('vg', 'Virgin Islands (British)'), ('vi', 'Virgin Islands (U.S.)'), ('vu', 'Vanuatu'), ('wf', 'Wallis and Futuna'), ('ws', 'Samoa'), ('yt', 'Mayotte')][source]

Choices which are currently inactive and cannot be used to represent languages

    ('ac', 'Ascension'),
    ('ag', 'Antigua and Barbuda'),
    ('ai', 'Anguilla'),
    ('as', 'American Samoa'),
    ('aw', 'Aruba'),
    ('ax', 'Åland Islands'),
    ('bb', 'Barbados'),
    ('bl', 'Saint Barthélemy'),
    ('bq', 'Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba'),
    ('bs', 'Bahamas'),
    ('bv', 'Bouvet Island'),
    ('bz', 'Belize'),
    ('cc', 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands'),
    ('ck', 'Cook Islands'),
    ('cv', 'Cabo Verde'),
    ('cw', 'Curaçao'),
    ('cx', 'Christmas Island'),
    ('eh', 'Western Sahara'),
    ('fj', 'Fiji'),
    ('fk', 'Falkland Islands (Malvinas)'),
    ('fm', 'Micronesia'),
    ('fo', 'Faroe Islands'),
    ('gq', 'Equatorial Guinea'),
    ('gs', 'South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands'),
    ('gw', 'Guinea-Bissau'),
    ('hm', 'Heard Island and McDonald Islands'),
    ('im', 'Isle of Man'),
    ('io', 'British Indian Ocean Territory'),
    ('je', 'Jersey'),
    ('ki', 'Kiribati'),
    ('km', 'Comoros'),
    ('kn', 'Saint Kitts and Nevis'),
    ('ky', 'Cayman Islands'),
    ('la', "Lao People's Democratic Republic"),
    ('lc', 'Saint Lucia'),
    ('lk', 'Sri Lanka'),
    ('mf', 'Saint Martin (French part)'),
    ('mh', 'Marshall Islands'),
    ('mo', 'Macao'),
    ('mp', 'Northern Mariana Islands'),
    ('mq', 'Martinique'),
    ('ms', 'Montserrat'),
    ('nc', 'New Caledonia'),
    ('nf', 'Norfolk Island'),
    ('nr', 'Nauru'),
    ('nu', 'Niue'),
    ('pm', 'Saint Pierre and Miquelon'),
    ('pn', 'Pitcairn'),
    ('pr', 'Puerto Rico'),
    ('pw', 'Palau'),
    ('re', 'Réunion'),
    ('sb', 'Solomon Islands'),
    ('sc', 'Seychelles'),
    ('sg', 'Singapore'),
    ('sh', 'Saint Helena'),
    ('sj', 'Svalbard and Jan Mayen'),
    ('sm', 'San Marino'),
    ('sr', 'Suriname'),
    ('st', 'Sao Tome and Principe'),
    ('sx', 'Sint Maarten (Dutch part)'),
    ('sz', 'Eswatini'),
    ('ta', 'Tristan da Cunha'),
    ('tc', 'Turks and Caicos Islands'),
    ('tf', 'French Southern Territories'),
    ('tg', 'Togo'),
    ('tk', 'Tokelau'),
    ('tl', 'Timor-Leste'),
    ('to', 'Tonga'),
    ('tt', 'Trinidad and Tobago'),
    ('tv', 'Tuvalu'),
    ('um', 'United States Minor Outlying Islands'),
    ('va', 'Holy See'),
    ('vc', 'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines'),
    ('vg', 'Virgin Islands (British)'),
    ('vi', 'Virgin Islands (U.S.)'),
    ('vu', 'Vanuatu'),
    ('wf', 'Wallis and Futuna'),
    ('ws', 'Samoa'),
    ('yt', 'Mayotte'),

Custom Translations

This module contains custom strings which are not picked up by the normal makemessages command

Duplicate Pbo Behaviors

This module contains all possible behaviors available when cloning regions and having to decide how to handle page based offers.

Events Time Range

This module contains all string representations of event time range filter options, used by EventFilterForm and EventListView.

integreat_cms.cms.constants.events_time_range.ALL_EVENTS: list[str] = ['UPCOMING', 'PAST'][source]

Choices which indicate that no filtering is required

integreat_cms.cms.constants.events_time_range.CHOICES: list[tuple[str, Promise]] = [('CUSTOM', 'Custom time range'), ('UPCOMING', 'Upcoming events'), ('PAST', 'Past events')][source]

Choices to use these constants in a form field

    ('CUSTOM', 'Custom time range'),
    ('UPCOMING', 'Upcoming events'),
    ('PAST', 'Past events'),
integreat_cms.cms.constants.events_time_range.CUSTOM: Final = 'CUSTOM'[source]

Events in a custom time range

integreat_cms.cms.constants.events_time_range.PAST: Final = 'PAST'[source]

Events in the past

integreat_cms.cms.constants.events_time_range.UPCOMING: Final = 'UPCOMING'[source]

Events in the future

Feedback Ratings

This module contains all constants representing the rating of the Feedback model.

integreat_cms.cms.constants.feedback_ratings.CHOICES: Final[list[tuple[bool | None, Promise]]] = [(True, 'Positive'), (False, 'Negative'), (None, 'Not stated')][source]

Choices to use these constants in a database field

[(True, 'Positive'), (False, 'Negative'), (None, 'Not stated')]
integreat_cms.cms.constants.feedback_ratings.FILTER_CHOICES: Final[list[tuple[bool | str, Promise]]] = [(True, 'Positive'), (False, 'Negative'), ('', 'Not stated')][source]

Choices for the filter form (required because None is always converted to "")

[(True, 'Positive'), (False, 'Negative'), ('', 'Not stated')]
integreat_cms.cms.constants.feedback_ratings.INITIAL: Final[list[bool | str]] = [True, False, ''][source]

Initial filter options

[True, False, '']
integreat_cms.cms.constants.feedback_ratings.NEGATIVE: Final = False[source]


integreat_cms.cms.constants.feedback_ratings.NOT_STATED: Final = None[source]

Not stated

integreat_cms.cms.constants.feedback_ratings.NOT_STATED_STR: Final = ''[source]

Not stated as string (used in the filter form)

integreat_cms.cms.constants.feedback_ratings.POSITIVE: Final = True[source]


Feedback Read Status

This module contains all string representations of all day filter options, used by EventFilterForm and EventListView.

The module also contains a constant DATATYPE, which contains the type of the constant values linked to the strings and is used for correctly instantiating django.forms.TypedMultipleChoiceField instances in EventFilterForm.

integreat_cms.cms.constants.feedback_read_status.CHOICES: Final[list[tuple[str, Promise]]] = [('READ', 'Read'), ('UNREAD', 'Unread')][source]

Choices to use these constants in a database field

[('READ', 'Read'), ('UNREAD', 'Unread')]
integreat_cms.cms.constants.feedback_read_status.READ: Final = 'READ'[source]

Only events which are all day long

integreat_cms.cms.constants.feedback_read_status.UNREAD: Final = 'UNREAD'[source]

Exclude events which are all day long


This module contains all constants representing the frequency of an Event’s RecurrenceRule.

integreat_cms.cms.constants.frequency.CHOICES: Final[list[tuple[str, Promise]]] = [('DAILY', 'Daily'), ('WEEKLY', 'Weekly'), ('MONTHLY', 'Monthly'), ('YEARLY', 'Yearly')][source]

Choices to use these constants in a database field

    ('DAILY', 'Daily'),
    ('WEEKLY', 'Weekly'),
    ('MONTHLY', 'Monthly'),
    ('YEARLY', 'Yearly'),
integreat_cms.cms.constants.frequency.DAILY: Final = 'DAILY'[source]


integreat_cms.cms.constants.frequency.MONTHLY: Final = 'MONTHLY'[source]


integreat_cms.cms.constants.frequency.WEEKLY: Final = 'WEEKLY'[source]


integreat_cms.cms.constants.frequency.YEARLY: Final = 'YEARLY'[source]


Language Color

This module contains constants for Language model.


Machine Translation Permissions

This module contains string representations of permission levels for machine translations, used by Region.

integreat_cms.cms.constants.machine_translation_permissions.CHOICES: Final[list[tuple[int, Promise]]] = [(0, 'No'), (1, 'Yes'), (2, 'Yes, only managers')][source]

Choices to use these constants in a database field

[(0, 'No'), (1, 'Yes'), (2, 'Yes, only managers')]
integreat_cms.cms.constants.machine_translation_permissions.EVERYONE: Final = 1[source]

Everyone can use Machine Translation

integreat_cms.cms.constants.machine_translation_permissions.MANAGERS: Final = 2[source]

Only Managers can use Machine Translations

integreat_cms.cms.constants.machine_translation_permissions.NO_ONE: Final = 0[source]

Machine Translations are disabled

Machine Translation Providers

This module contains the available machine translation providers

Matomo Periods

This module contains all constants representing the period choices for the Matomo API (See

integreat_cms.cms.constants.matomo_periods.CHOICES: Final[list[tuple[str, Promise]]] = [('day', 'Daily'), ('week', 'Weekly'), ('month', 'Monthly'), ('year', 'Yearly')][source]

Choices to use these constants in a database field

    ('day', 'Daily'),
    ('week', 'Weekly'),
    ('month', 'Monthly'),
    ('year', 'Yearly'),
integreat_cms.cms.constants.matomo_periods.DAY: Final = 'day'[source]


integreat_cms.cms.constants.matomo_periods.MONTH: Final = 'month'[source]


integreat_cms.cms.constants.matomo_periods.WEEK: Final = 'week'[source]


integreat_cms.cms.constants.matomo_periods.YEAR: Final = 'year'[source]


Mirrored Page First

This module contains labels for the choices regarding the position of embedding live content


This module contains all string representations of months, used by Event.

integreat_cms.cms.constants.months.APRIL: Final = 3[source]


integreat_cms.cms.constants.months.AUGUST: Final = 7[source]


integreat_cms.cms.constants.months.CHOICES: Final[list[tuple[int, Promise]]] = [(0, 'January'), (1, 'February'), (2, 'March'), (3, 'April'), (4, 'May'), (5, 'June'), (6, 'July'), (7, 'August'), (8, 'September'), (9, 'October'), (10, 'November'), (11, 'December')][source]

Choices to use these constants in a database field

    (0, 'January'),
    (1, 'February'),
    (2, 'March'),
    (3, 'April'),
    (4, 'May'),
    (5, 'June'),
    (6, 'July'),
    (7, 'August'),
    (8, 'September'),
    (9, 'October'),
    (10, 'November'),
    (11, 'December'),
integreat_cms.cms.constants.months.DECEMBER: Final = 11[source]


integreat_cms.cms.constants.months.FEBRUARY: Final = 1[source]


integreat_cms.cms.constants.months.JANUARY: Final = 0[source]


integreat_cms.cms.constants.months.JULY: Final = 6[source]


integreat_cms.cms.constants.months.JUNE: Final = 5[source]


integreat_cms.cms.constants.months.MARCH: Final = 2[source]


integreat_cms.cms.constants.months.MAY: Final = 4[source]


integreat_cms.cms.constants.months.NOVEMBER: Final = 10[source]


integreat_cms.cms.constants.months.OCTOBER: Final = 9[source]


integreat_cms.cms.constants.months.SEPTEMBER: Final = 8[source]


Opening Hours

Thile file contains the JSON schema for opening hours


This module contains constants for POICategory.


This module contains all possible positions inside a MPTT tree model. It is used to determine the relative position of nodes in relation to another node.

integreat_cms.cms.constants.position.CHOICES: Final[list[tuple[str, Promise]]] = [('first-child', 'First subpage of'), ('last-child', 'Last subpage of'), ('left', 'Left neighbor of'), ('right', 'Right neighbor of')][source]

Choices to use these constants in a database field

    ('first-child', 'First subpage of'),
    ('last-child', 'Last subpage of'),
    ('left', 'Left neighbor of'),
    ('right', 'Right neighbor of'),
integreat_cms.cms.constants.position.FIRST_CHILD: Final = 'first-child'[source]

First child of node

integreat_cms.cms.constants.position.FIRST_SIBLING: Final = 'first-sibling'[source]

First sibling of node

integreat_cms.cms.constants.position.LAST_CHILD: Final = 'last-child'[source]

Last child of node

integreat_cms.cms.constants.position.LAST_SIBLING: Final = 'last-sibling'[source]

Last sibling of node

integreat_cms.cms.constants.position.LEFT: Final = 'left'[source]

Left neighbor of node

integreat_cms.cms.constants.position.RIGHT: Final = 'right'[source]

Right neighbor of node

Postal Code

This module contains all possible configurations of postal codes in offers. This is needed when the postal code is placed inside the offer’s url or api request data.

integreat_cms.cms.constants.postal_code.CHOICES: Final[list[tuple[str, Promise]]] = [('NONE', 'Do not use postcode'), ('GET', 'Append postal code to URL'), ('POST', 'Add postal code to post parameters')][source]

Choices to use these constants in a database field

    ('NONE', 'Do not use postcode'),
    ('GET', 'Append postal code to URL'),
    ('POST', 'Add postal code to post parameters'),
integreat_cms.cms.constants.postal_code.GET: Final = 'GET'[source]

Append postal code to offer URL

integreat_cms.cms.constants.postal_code.NONE: Final = 'NONE'[source]

No postal code needed for this offer

integreat_cms.cms.constants.postal_code.POST: Final = 'POST'[source]

Add postal code to post parameters of the offer’s api

Push Notifications

This module contains the possible modes for push notifications.

integreat_cms.cms.constants.push_notifications.ONLY_AVAILABLE: Final = 'ONLY_AVAILABLE'[source]

Send only available translations

integreat_cms.cms.constants.push_notifications.PN_MODES: Final = [('ONLY_AVAILABLE', 'Only send available translations'), ('USE_MAIN_LANGUAGE', 'Use main language if no translation is available')][source]

Choices to use these constants in a database field

    ('ONLY_AVAILABLE', 'Only send available translations'),
    ('USE_MAIN_LANGUAGE', 'Use main language if no translation is available'),
integreat_cms.cms.constants.push_notifications.USE_MAIN_LANGUAGE: Final = 'USE_MAIN_LANGUAGE'[source]

Use main language if no translation is available


This module contains all string representations of recurrence filter options, used by EventFilterForm and EventListView:

The module also contains a constant DATATYPE which contains the type of the constant values linked to the strings and is used for correctly instantiating django.forms.TypedMultipleChoiceField instances in EventFilterForm.

integreat_cms.cms.constants.recurrence.CHOICES: Final[list[tuple[int, Promise]]] = [(1, 'Recurring events'), (2, 'One time events'), (3, 'Long term events')][source]

Choices to use these constants in a database field

[(1, 'Recurring events'), (2, 'One time events'), (3, 'Long term events')]

This docstring is overridden by “alias of”

integreat_cms.cms.constants.recurrence.LONG_TERM: Final = 3[source]

Events that are not recurring but take place over a long period of time

integreat_cms.cms.constants.recurrence.ONE_TIME: Final = 2[source]

Events that are not recurring and only take place on one day

integreat_cms.cms.constants.recurrence.RECURRING: Final = 1[source]

Events that are recurring, i.e. take place more than once

Region Status

This module contains the possible status of regions.

integreat_cms.cms.constants.region_status.ACTIVE: Final = 'ACTIVE'[source]


integreat_cms.cms.constants.region_status.ARCHIVED: Final = 'ARCHIVED'[source]


integreat_cms.cms.constants.region_status.CHOICES: Final[list[tuple[str, Promise]]] = [('ACTIVE', 'Active'), ('HIDDEN', 'Hidden'), ('ARCHIVED', 'Archived')][source]

Choices to use these constants in a database field

[('ACTIVE', 'Active'), ('HIDDEN', 'Hidden'), ('ARCHIVED', 'Archived')]
integreat_cms.cms.constants.region_status.HIDDEN: Final = 'HIDDEN'[source]



This module contains the possible names of roles to make them translatable and the permission definitions.

integreat_cms.cms.constants.roles.APP_TEAM: Final = 'APP_TEAM'[source]

App team

integreat_cms.cms.constants.roles.APP_TEAM_PERMISSIONS: Final[list[str]] = ['change_chatmessage', 'view_directory', 'view_event', 'view_feedback', 'view_imprintpage', 'view_language', 'view_languagetreenode', 'view_mediafile', 'view_offertemplate', 'view_organization', 'view_page', 'view_poi', 'view_poicategory', 'view_pushnotification', 'view_region', 'view_user', 'view_translation_report', 'view_broken_links', 'view_statistics', 'view_contact', 'add_directory', 'change_directory', 'change_event', 'change_feedback', 'change_imprintpage', 'change_mediafile', 'change_page', 'change_poi', 'change_pushnotification', 'change_region', 'delete_mediafile', 'publish_event', 'publish_page', 'replace_mediafile', 'send_push_notification', 'upload_mediafile', 'change_contact'][source]

The permissions of the app team

integreat_cms.cms.constants.roles.AUTHOR: Final = 'AUTHOR'[source]


integreat_cms.cms.constants.roles.AUTHOR_PERMISSIONS: Final[list[str]] = ['add_directory', 'change_directory', 'change_event', 'change_mediafile', 'change_poi', 'publish_event', 'replace_mediafile', 'upload_mediafile', 'view_directory', 'view_event', 'view_mediafile', 'view_poi', 'change_page', 'view_page', 'view_contact', 'change_contact'][source]

The permissions of the author role

integreat_cms.cms.constants.roles.CHOICES: Final[list[tuple[str, Promise]]] = [('MANAGEMENT', 'Manager'), ('EDITOR', 'Editor'), ('AUTHOR', 'Author'), ('EVENT_MANAGER', 'Event manager'), ('OBSERVER', 'Observer'), ('SERVICE_TEAM', 'Service team'), ('CMS_TEAM', 'CMS team'), ('APP_TEAM', 'App team'), ('MARKETING_TEAM', 'Marketing team')][source]

Choices to use these constants in a database field

    ('MANAGEMENT', 'Manager'),
    ('EDITOR', 'Editor'),
    ('AUTHOR', 'Author'),
    ('EVENT_MANAGER', 'Event manager'),
    ('OBSERVER', 'Observer'),
    ('SERVICE_TEAM', 'Service team'),
    ('CMS_TEAM', 'CMS team'),
    ('APP_TEAM', 'App team'),
    ('MARKETING_TEAM', 'Marketing team'),
integreat_cms.cms.constants.roles.CMS_TEAM: Final = 'CMS_TEAM'[source]

CMS team

integreat_cms.cms.constants.roles.CMS_TEAM_PERMISSIONS: Final[list[str]] = ['change_chatmessage', 'view_directory', 'view_event', 'view_feedback', 'view_imprintpage', 'view_language', 'view_languagetreenode', 'view_mediafile', 'view_offertemplate', 'view_organization', 'view_page', 'view_poi', 'view_poicategory', 'view_pushnotification', 'view_region', 'view_user', 'view_translation_report', 'view_broken_links', 'view_statistics', 'view_contact', 'add_directory', 'change_directory', 'change_event', 'change_feedback', 'change_imprintpage', 'change_mediafile', 'change_page', 'change_poi', 'change_pushnotification', 'change_region', 'delete_mediafile', 'publish_event', 'publish_page', 'replace_mediafile', 'send_push_notification', 'upload_mediafile', 'change_contact', 'change_externalcalendar', 'change_language', 'change_languagetreenode', 'change_offertemplate', 'change_organization', 'change_poicategory', 'change_user', 'delete_chatmessage', 'delete_directory', 'delete_event', 'delete_externalcalendar', 'delete_feedback', 'delete_imprintpage', 'delete_languagetreenode', 'delete_offertemplate', 'delete_organization', 'delete_page', 'delete_poi', 'delete_poicategory', 'delete_pushnotification', 'delete_region', 'delete_user', 'grant_page_permissions', 'manage_translations', 'delete_contact', 'test_beta_features', 'view_externalcalendar'][source]

The permissions of the cms team

integreat_cms.cms.constants.roles.EDITOR: Final = 'EDITOR'[source]

Content editor

integreat_cms.cms.constants.roles.EDITOR_PERMISSIONS: Final[list[str]] = ['add_directory', 'change_directory', 'change_event', 'change_mediafile', 'change_poi', 'publish_event', 'replace_mediafile', 'upload_mediafile', 'view_directory', 'view_event', 'view_mediafile', 'view_poi', 'change_page', 'view_page', 'view_contact', 'change_contact', 'publish_page', 'view_translation_report', 'view_broken_links'][source]

The permissions of the editor role

integreat_cms.cms.constants.roles.EVENT_MANAGER: Final = 'EVENT_MANAGER'[source]

Event manager

integreat_cms.cms.constants.roles.EVENT_MANAGER_PERMISSIONS: Final[list[str]] = ['add_directory', 'change_directory', 'change_event', 'change_mediafile', 'change_poi', 'publish_event', 'replace_mediafile', 'upload_mediafile', 'view_directory', 'view_event', 'view_mediafile', 'view_poi'][source]

The permissions of the event manager role

integreat_cms.cms.constants.roles.MANAGEMENT: Final = 'MANAGEMENT'[source]

Region management

integreat_cms.cms.constants.roles.MANAGEMENT_PERMISSIONS: Final[list[str]] = ['add_directory', 'change_directory', 'change_event', 'change_mediafile', 'change_poi', 'publish_event', 'replace_mediafile', 'upload_mediafile', 'view_directory', 'view_event', 'view_mediafile', 'view_poi', 'change_page', 'view_page', 'view_contact', 'change_contact', 'publish_page', 'view_translation_report', 'view_broken_links', 'change_feedback', 'change_imprintpage', 'change_organization', 'change_pushnotification', 'change_user', 'change_chatmessage', 'delete_directory', 'delete_feedback', 'delete_mediafile', 'delete_organization', 'grant_page_permissions', 'manage_translations', 'send_push_notification', 'view_feedback', 'view_imprintpage', 'view_organization', 'view_pushnotification', 'view_user', 'view_statistics'][source]

The permissions of the management role

integreat_cms.cms.constants.roles.MARKETING_TEAM: Final = 'MARKETING_TEAM'[source]

Promo team

integreat_cms.cms.constants.roles.MARKETING_TEAM_PERMISSIONS: Final[list[str]] = ['change_chatmessage', 'view_directory', 'view_event', 'view_feedback', 'view_imprintpage', 'view_language', 'view_languagetreenode', 'view_mediafile', 'view_offertemplate', 'view_organization', 'view_page', 'view_poi', 'view_poicategory', 'view_pushnotification', 'view_region', 'view_user', 'view_translation_report', 'view_broken_links', 'view_statistics', 'view_contact'][source]

The permissions of the marketing team

integreat_cms.cms.constants.roles.OBSERVER: Final = 'OBSERVER'[source]

User without editing permission

integreat_cms.cms.constants.roles.OBSERVER_PERMISSIONS: Final[list[str]] = ['add_directory', 'change_directory', 'view_directory', 'change_mediafile', 'upload_mediafile', 'view_mediafile', 'view_page', 'view_event', 'view_poi'][source]

The permissions of the limited_page_manager

integreat_cms.cms.constants.roles.PERMISSIONS: Final[dict[str, list[str]]] = {'APP_TEAM': ['change_chatmessage', 'view_directory', 'view_event', 'view_feedback', 'view_imprintpage', 'view_language', 'view_languagetreenode', 'view_mediafile', 'view_offertemplate', 'view_organization', 'view_page', 'view_poi', 'view_poicategory', 'view_pushnotification', 'view_region', 'view_user', 'view_translation_report', 'view_broken_links', 'view_statistics', 'view_contact', 'add_directory', 'change_directory', 'change_event', 'change_feedback', 'change_imprintpage', 'change_mediafile', 'change_page', 'change_poi', 'change_pushnotification', 'change_region', 'delete_mediafile', 'publish_event', 'publish_page', 'replace_mediafile', 'send_push_notification', 'upload_mediafile', 'change_contact'], 'AUTHOR': ['add_directory', 'change_directory', 'change_event', 'change_mediafile', 'change_poi', 'publish_event', 'replace_mediafile', 'upload_mediafile', 'view_directory', 'view_event', 'view_mediafile', 'view_poi', 'change_page', 'view_page', 'view_contact', 'change_contact'], 'CMS_TEAM': ['change_chatmessage', 'view_directory', 'view_event', 'view_feedback', 'view_imprintpage', 'view_language', 'view_languagetreenode', 'view_mediafile', 'view_offertemplate', 'view_organization', 'view_page', 'view_poi', 'view_poicategory', 'view_pushnotification', 'view_region', 'view_user', 'view_translation_report', 'view_broken_links', 'view_statistics', 'view_contact', 'add_directory', 'change_directory', 'change_event', 'change_feedback', 'change_imprintpage', 'change_mediafile', 'change_page', 'change_poi', 'change_pushnotification', 'change_region', 'delete_mediafile', 'publish_event', 'publish_page', 'replace_mediafile', 'send_push_notification', 'upload_mediafile', 'change_contact', 'change_externalcalendar', 'change_language', 'change_languagetreenode', 'change_offertemplate', 'change_organization', 'change_poicategory', 'change_user', 'delete_chatmessage', 'delete_directory', 'delete_event', 'delete_externalcalendar', 'delete_feedback', 'delete_imprintpage', 'delete_languagetreenode', 'delete_offertemplate', 'delete_organization', 'delete_page', 'delete_poi', 'delete_poicategory', 'delete_pushnotification', 'delete_region', 'delete_user', 'grant_page_permissions', 'manage_translations', 'delete_contact', 'test_beta_features', 'view_externalcalendar'], 'EDITOR': ['add_directory', 'change_directory', 'change_event', 'change_mediafile', 'change_poi', 'publish_event', 'replace_mediafile', 'upload_mediafile', 'view_directory', 'view_event', 'view_mediafile', 'view_poi', 'change_page', 'view_page', 'view_contact', 'change_contact', 'publish_page', 'view_translation_report', 'view_broken_links'], 'EVENT_MANAGER': ['add_directory', 'change_directory', 'change_event', 'change_mediafile', 'change_poi', 'publish_event', 'replace_mediafile', 'upload_mediafile', 'view_directory', 'view_event', 'view_mediafile', 'view_poi'], 'MANAGEMENT': ['add_directory', 'change_directory', 'change_event', 'change_mediafile', 'change_poi', 'publish_event', 'replace_mediafile', 'upload_mediafile', 'view_directory', 'view_event', 'view_mediafile', 'view_poi', 'change_page', 'view_page', 'view_contact', 'change_contact', 'publish_page', 'view_translation_report', 'view_broken_links', 'change_feedback', 'change_imprintpage', 'change_organization', 'change_pushnotification', 'change_user', 'change_chatmessage', 'delete_directory', 'delete_feedback', 'delete_mediafile', 'delete_organization', 'grant_page_permissions', 'manage_translations', 'send_push_notification', 'view_feedback', 'view_imprintpage', 'view_organization', 'view_pushnotification', 'view_user', 'view_statistics'], 'MARKETING_TEAM': ['change_chatmessage', 'view_directory', 'view_event', 'view_feedback', 'view_imprintpage', 'view_language', 'view_languagetreenode', 'view_mediafile', 'view_offertemplate', 'view_organization', 'view_page', 'view_poi', 'view_poicategory', 'view_pushnotification', 'view_region', 'view_user', 'view_translation_report', 'view_broken_links', 'view_statistics', 'view_contact'], 'OBSERVER': ['add_directory', 'change_directory', 'view_directory', 'change_mediafile', 'upload_mediafile', 'view_mediafile', 'view_page', 'view_event', 'view_poi'], 'SERVICE_TEAM': ['change_chatmessage', 'view_directory', 'view_event', 'view_feedback', 'view_imprintpage', 'view_language', 'view_languagetreenode', 'view_mediafile', 'view_offertemplate', 'view_organization', 'view_page', 'view_poi', 'view_poicategory', 'view_pushnotification', 'view_region', 'view_user', 'view_translation_report', 'view_broken_links', 'view_statistics', 'view_contact', 'add_directory', 'change_directory', 'change_event', 'change_feedback', 'change_imprintpage', 'change_mediafile', 'change_page', 'change_poi', 'change_pushnotification', 'change_region', 'delete_mediafile', 'publish_event', 'publish_page', 'replace_mediafile', 'send_push_notification', 'upload_mediafile', 'change_contact', 'change_externalcalendar', 'change_language', 'change_languagetreenode', 'change_offertemplate', 'change_organization', 'change_poicategory', 'change_user', 'delete_chatmessage', 'delete_directory', 'delete_event', 'delete_externalcalendar', 'delete_feedback', 'delete_imprintpage', 'delete_languagetreenode', 'delete_offertemplate', 'delete_organization', 'delete_page', 'delete_poi', 'delete_poicategory', 'delete_pushnotification', 'delete_region', 'delete_user', 'grant_page_permissions', 'manage_translations', 'delete_contact', 'test_beta_features', 'view_externalcalendar']}[source]

The permissions of all roles

    'APP_TEAM': [
    'AUTHOR': [
    'CMS_TEAM': [
    'EDITOR': [
    'OBSERVER': [
integreat_cms.cms.constants.roles.ROLES: Final[list[tuple[str, Promise]]] = [('MANAGEMENT', 'Manager'), ('EDITOR', 'Editor'), ('AUTHOR', 'Author'), ('EVENT_MANAGER', 'Event manager'), ('OBSERVER', 'Observer')][source]

Choices for non-staff roles

    ('MANAGEMENT', 'Manager'),
    ('EDITOR', 'Editor'),
    ('AUTHOR', 'Author'),
    ('EVENT_MANAGER', 'Event manager'),
    ('OBSERVER', 'Observer'),
integreat_cms.cms.constants.roles.SERVICE_TEAM: Final = 'SERVICE_TEAM'[source]

Service team

integreat_cms.cms.constants.roles.SERVICE_TEAM_PERMISSIONS: Final[list[str]] = ['change_chatmessage', 'view_directory', 'view_event', 'view_feedback', 'view_imprintpage', 'view_language', 'view_languagetreenode', 'view_mediafile', 'view_offertemplate', 'view_organization', 'view_page', 'view_poi', 'view_poicategory', 'view_pushnotification', 'view_region', 'view_user', 'view_translation_report', 'view_broken_links', 'view_statistics', 'view_contact', 'add_directory', 'change_directory', 'change_event', 'change_feedback', 'change_imprintpage', 'change_mediafile', 'change_page', 'change_poi', 'change_pushnotification', 'change_region', 'delete_mediafile', 'publish_event', 'publish_page', 'replace_mediafile', 'send_push_notification', 'upload_mediafile', 'change_contact', 'change_externalcalendar', 'change_language', 'change_languagetreenode', 'change_offertemplate', 'change_organization', 'change_poicategory', 'change_user', 'delete_chatmessage', 'delete_directory', 'delete_event', 'delete_externalcalendar', 'delete_feedback', 'delete_imprintpage', 'delete_languagetreenode', 'delete_offertemplate', 'delete_organization', 'delete_page', 'delete_poi', 'delete_poicategory', 'delete_pushnotification', 'delete_region', 'delete_user', 'grant_page_permissions', 'manage_translations', 'delete_contact', 'test_beta_features', 'view_externalcalendar'][source]

The permissions of the service team

integreat_cms.cms.constants.roles.STAFF_ROLES: Final[list[tuple[str, Promise]]] = [('SERVICE_TEAM', 'Service team'), ('CMS_TEAM', 'CMS team'), ('APP_TEAM', 'App team'), ('MARKETING_TEAM', 'Marketing team')][source]

Choices for staff roles

    ('SERVICE_TEAM', 'Service team'),
    ('CMS_TEAM', 'CMS team'),
    ('APP_TEAM', 'App team'),
    ('MARKETING_TEAM', 'Marketing team'),


This module contains the possible status of translations.

integreat_cms.cms.constants.status.AUTO_SAVE: Final = 'AUTO_SAVE'[source]

Auto Save

integreat_cms.cms.constants.status.CHOICES: Final[list[tuple[str, Promise]]] = [('DRAFT', 'Draft'), ('REVIEW', 'Pending Approval'), ('PUBLIC', 'Published'), ('AUTO_SAVE', 'Auto Save')][source]

Choices to use these constants in a database field

    ('DRAFT', 'Draft'),
    ('REVIEW', 'Pending Approval'),
    ('PUBLIC', 'Published'),
    ('AUTO_SAVE', 'Auto Save'),
integreat_cms.cms.constants.status.DRAFT: Final = 'DRAFT'[source]


integreat_cms.cms.constants.status.PUBLIC: Final = 'PUBLIC'[source]


integreat_cms.cms.constants.status.REVIEW: Final = 'REVIEW'[source]

Pending Approval

Text Directions

This module contains all constants representing the text directions of a Language.

integreat_cms.cms.constants.text_directions.CHOICES: Final[list[tuple[str, Promise]]] = [('LEFT_TO_RIGHT', 'Left to right'), ('RIGHT_TO_LEFT', 'Right to left')][source]

Choices to use these constants in a database field

[('LEFT_TO_RIGHT', 'Left to right'), ('RIGHT_TO_LEFT', 'Right to left')]
integreat_cms.cms.constants.text_directions.LEFT_TO_RIGHT: Final = 'LEFT_TO_RIGHT'[source]

Text is left to right, e.g. in English

integreat_cms.cms.constants.text_directions.RIGHT_TO_LEFT: Final = 'RIGHT_TO_LEFT'[source]

Text is right to left, e.g. in Arabic

Translation Status

This module contains the states a translation can have

integreat_cms.cms.constants.translation_status.CHOICES: Final[list[tuple[str, Promise]]] = [('UP_TO_DATE', 'Translation up-to-date'), ('IN_TRANSLATION', 'Currently in translation'), ('OUTDATED', 'Translation outdated'), ('MISSING', 'Translation missing'), ('MACHINE_TRANSLATED', 'Machine translated')][source]

Choices to use these constants in a database field

    ('UP_TO_DATE', 'Translation up-to-date'),
    ('IN_TRANSLATION', 'Currently in translation'),
    ('OUTDATED', 'Translation outdated'),
    ('MISSING', 'Translation missing'),
    ('MACHINE_TRANSLATED', 'Machine translated'),
integreat_cms.cms.constants.translation_status.COLORS: Final[dict[str, str]] = {'IN_TRANSLATION': '#60a5fa', 'MACHINE_TRANSLATED': '#9933ff', 'MISSING': '#f87171', 'OUTDATED': '#facc15', 'UP_TO_DATE': '#4ade80'}[source]

Maps from the translation state to the color used to render this state in the translation coverage view

    'IN_TRANSLATION': '#60a5fa',
    'MACHINE_TRANSLATED': '#9933ff',
    'MISSING': '#f87171',
    'OUTDATED': '#facc15',
    'UP_TO_DATE': '#4ade80',
integreat_cms.cms.constants.translation_status.FALLBACK: Final = 'FALLBACK'[source]


integreat_cms.cms.constants.translation_status.IN_TRANSLATION: Final = 'IN_TRANSLATION'[source]

In translation

integreat_cms.cms.constants.translation_status.MACHINE_TRANSLATED: Final = 'MACHINE_TRANSLATED'[source]

Machine translated

integreat_cms.cms.constants.translation_status.MISSING: Final = 'MISSING'[source]


integreat_cms.cms.constants.translation_status.OUTDATED: Final = 'OUTDATED'[source]


integreat_cms.cms.constants.translation_status.UP_TO_DATE: Final = 'UP_TO_DATE'[source]

Up to date


This module contains all string representations of weekdays, used by Event.

integreat_cms.cms.constants.weekdays.CHOICES: Final[list[tuple[int, Promise]]] = [(0, 'Monday'), (1, 'Tuesday'), (2, 'Wednesday'), (3, 'Thursday'), (4, 'Friday'), (5, 'Saturday'), (6, 'Sunday')][source]

Choices to use these constants in a database field

    (0, 'Monday'),
    (1, 'Tuesday'),
    (2, 'Wednesday'),
    (3, 'Thursday'),
    (4, 'Friday'),
    (5, 'Saturday'),
    (6, 'Sunday'),
integreat_cms.cms.constants.weekdays.FRIDAY: Final = 4[source]


integreat_cms.cms.constants.weekdays.MONDAY: Final = 0[source]


integreat_cms.cms.constants.weekdays.RRULE_WEEKDAY_TO_WEEKDAY = {'FR': 4, 'MO': 0, 'SA': 5, 'SU': 6, 'TH': 3, 'TU': 1, 'WE': 2}[source]

A mapping from an ical recurrence rule weekday string to a cms weekday constant

{'FR': 4, 'MO': 0, 'SA': 5, 'SU': 6, 'TH': 3, 'TU': 1, 'WE': 2}
integreat_cms.cms.constants.weekdays.SATURDAY: Final = 5[source]


integreat_cms.cms.constants.weekdays.SUNDAY: Final = 6[source]


integreat_cms.cms.constants.weekdays.THURSDAY: Final = 3[source]


integreat_cms.cms.constants.weekdays.TUESDAY: Final = 1[source]


integreat_cms.cms.constants.weekdays.WEDNESDAY: Final = 2[source]


integreat_cms.cms.constants.weekdays.WEEKEND: Final[list[int]] = [5, 6][source]

Weekend: Saturday and Sunday

[5, 6]
integreat_cms.cms.constants.weekdays.WORKING_DAYS: Final[list[int]] = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4][source]

Working days: Monday to Friday

[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]


This module contains all string representations of a month’s week, used by Event.

integreat_cms.cms.constants.weeks.CHOICES: Final[list[tuple[int, Promise]]] = [(1, 'First week'), (2, 'Second week'), (3, 'Third week'), (4, 'Fourth week'), (5, 'Last week')][source]

Choices to use these constants in a database field

    (1, 'First week'),
    (2, 'Second week'),
    (3, 'Third week'),
    (4, 'Fourth week'),
    (5, 'Last week'),
integreat_cms.cms.constants.weeks.FIRST: Final = 1[source]

First week of the month

integreat_cms.cms.constants.weeks.FOURTH: Final = 4[source]

Fourth week of the month

integreat_cms.cms.constants.weeks.LAST: Final = 5[source]

Last week of the month (either 4th or 5th)

integreat_cms.cms.constants.weeks.RRULE_WEEK_TO_WEEK = {-1: 5, 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4}[source]

A mapping from the expected rrule values to our week constants

{-1: 5, 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4}
integreat_cms.cms.constants.weeks.SECOND: Final = 2[source]

Second week of the month

integreat_cms.cms.constants.weeks.THIRD: Final = 3[source]

Third week of the month

integreat_cms.cms.constants.weeks.WEEK_TO_RRULE_WEEK = {1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4, 5: -1}[source]

A mapping from our week constants to the expected rrule values

{1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4, 5: -1}