
Forms for creating and modifying contact objects

Contact Form

class integreat_cms.cms.forms.contacts.contact_form.ContactForm(**kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: CustomModelForm

Form for creating and modifying contact objects

Form fields:


kwargs (Any)

__init__(**kwargs: Any) None[source]

Initialize placeholder model form


**kwargs (Any) – The supplied keyword arguments


TypeError – If form is instantiated directly without an inheriting subclass

Return type:


add_error(field, error)[source]

Update the content of self._errors.

The field argument is the name of the field to which the errors should be added. If it’s None, treat the errors as NON_FIELD_ERRORS.

The error argument can be a single error, a list of errors, or a dictionary that maps field names to lists of errors. An “error” can be either a simple string or an instance of ValidationError with its message attribute set and a “list or dictionary” can be an actual list or dict or an instance of ValidationError with its error_list or error_dict attribute set.

If error is a dictionary, the field argument must be None and errors will be added to the fields that correspond to the keys of the dictionary.

add_error_messages(request: HttpRequest) None[source]

This function accepts the current request and adds the form’s error messages to the message queue of django.contrib.messages.


request (HttpRequest) – The current request submitting the form

Return type:



Add an ‘initial’ prefix for checking dynamic initial values.


Return the field name with a prefix appended, if this Form has a prefix set.

Subclasses may wish to override.


Render as <div> elements.


Render as <p> elements.


Render as <tr> elements excluding the surrounding <table> tag.


Render as <li> elements excluding the surrounding <ul> tag.

clean() dict[str, Any][source]

This method extends the default clean()-method of the base ModelForm to provide debug logging


The cleaned data (see Overriding the clean() method)

Return type:

dict[str, Any]

clean_phone_number() str[source]

Validate the phone number field (see Overriding the clean() method). The number will be converted to the international format, i.e. +XX (X) XXXXXXXX.


The reformatted phone number

Return type:


default_renderer = None[source]
property errors[source]

Return an ErrorDict for the data provided for the form.

field_order = None[source]

Clean all of and populate self._errors and self.cleaned_data.

get_error_messages() list[dict[str, str]][source]

Return all error messages of this form and append labels to field-errors


The errors of this form

Return type:

list[dict[str, str]]

get_initial_for_field(field, field_name)[source]

Return initial data for field on form. Use initial data from the form or the field, in that order. Evaluate callable values.


Return True if data differs from initial.

has_error(field, code=None)[source]

Return a list of all the BoundField objects that are hidden fields. Useful for manual form layout in templates.


Return True if the form needs to be multipart-encoded, i.e. it has FileInput, or False otherwise.


Return True if the form has no errors, or False otherwise.

property media[source]

Return all media required to render the widgets on this form.


Return an ErrorList of errors that aren’t associated with a particular field – i.e., from Form.clean(). Return an empty ErrorList if there are none.


Rearrange the fields according to field_order.

field_order is a list of field names specifying the order. Append fields not included in the list in the default order for backward compatibility with subclasses not overriding field_order. If field_order is None, keep all fields in the order defined in the class. Ignore unknown fields in field_order to allow disabling fields in form subclasses without redefining ordering.

prefix = None[source]
render(template_name=None, context=None, renderer=None)[source]
save(commit: bool = True) Any[source]

This method extends the default save()-method of the base ModelForm to provide debug logging


commit (bool) – Whether or not the changes should be written to the database


The saved object returned by The save() method

Return type:


property template_name[source]
template_name_div = 'django/forms/div.html'[source]
template_name_label = 'django/forms/label.html'[source]
template_name_p = 'django/forms/p.html'[source]
template_name_table = 'django/forms/table.html'[source]
template_name_ul = 'django/forms/ul.html'[source]
use_required_attribute = True[source]

Call the instance’s validate_unique() method and update the form’s validation errors if any were raised.


Return a list of BoundField objects that aren’t hidden fields. The opposite of the hidden_fields() method.