Virtual Environment

All python dependencies are installed in a virtual Python environment (see Virtual Environments and Packages).

For portability and reproducibility, we use specific version of our dependencies locked in pyproject.toml.

Install dependencies

To install exactly the specified versions of the dependencies, execute:

pip install -e .[dev-pinned,pinned]


This is also part of the dev-tool.

Add dependencies

Adding dependencies differs based on whether they are functional or only needed in development.

Development dependencies

  1. Add the new package to the [project.optional-dependencies].dev section in pyproject.toml

  2. Execute tools/ to install it in the venv

Production dependencies

  1. Add the new package to the [project].dependencies section in pyproject.toml

  2. Execute tools/, which should update the pinned versions in [project.optional-dependencies].pinned of pyproject.toml.

Update dependencies

When you want to update the locked versions of the production dependencies, use the developer tool tools/


Remove virtual environment

When you want to remove the virtual environment together with all installed dependencies, execute:

rm -rf .venv